This is the Message Centre for Mycelium

scarlet woman

Post 281

Scarlet Woman

the dusty

smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 282



scarlet woman

Post 283

Scarlet Woman

path that

smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 284

Scarlet Woman


Peter is laid low with an aching tooth and OOV is spying out the land for our very own trusted powers that be...

so we're on our own I think....

smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 285


seemed to

scarlet woman

Post 286

Scarlet Woman

wend it's way

smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 287



[hello folks, me again! still suffering smiley - ill but keeping my end up. I can't be a wimp all my life, but after 47 years it's hard to kick the habit]

smiley - cheers


scarlet woman

Post 288



[get well soon, Peter. I'm a believer in complementary medicine, and I find a scotch or two to be a good medicine for many things]

scarlet woman

Post 289


the hurricane

[love to, duw boy - as soon as finish these antibiotics, that is]

scarlet woman

Post 290

Scarlet Woman

Which blew the yellow bricks

smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 291



...which just about describes me at present. Will try to contribute more, later. OOV

scarlet woman

Post 292

Scarlet Woman

so that

smiley - fairy

Hi OOV - hope your having fun - can you do Yahoo Messenger? As I have it now...

scarlet woman

Post 293

Pat Pending

all Dutchmen

[Good afternoon everyone]

scarlet woman

Post 294

Scarlet Woman

had to reinforce their

smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 295

Pat Pending


scarlet woman

Post 296


with some strong

smiley - cheers

scarlet woman

Post 297

Pat Pending

duct tape and

scarlet woman

Post 298


chintz curtains, which

smiley - cheers

scarlet woman

Post 299

Pat Pending

were well hung

scarlet woman

Post 300


, very much like

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