This is the Message Centre for Mycelium

scarlet woman

Post 201

Scarlet Woman


smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 202


based on

smiley - cheers

[Nice to have a board that doesn't lose your postings! I've given up on MC-H for the day. Let's try again tomorrowsmiley - tongueout]

scarlet woman

Post 203

Scarlet Woman

erroneous reports

smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 204


that the goats

'Evening all ...say are all goats gray in the dark or is that only cats??

smiley - smiley

scarlet woman

Post 205

Scarlet Woman


smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 206


game for

scarlet woman

Post 207


a laugh

[someone stop these bl**dy fireworks, they're driving me maaad!!]

scarlet woman

Post 208

Scarlet Woman


smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 209

Scarlet Woman

hey akira - you and I posted at the same time!

smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 210


-nd a

[see - or rather hear what you mean about the fireworks, Peter - it sounds like a full frontal assault up here in Pictland ... I've been in quieter ambushes!]

scarlet woman

Post 211


story about

[The bangs were so loud around here, you could hear Vietnam vets shouting "Incoming!!" and diving for their trenches]

smiley - cheers

scarlet woman

Post 212

Scarlet Woman


smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 213


Welshmen who

[evenin' all. Scarlet Lady smiley - sorry no email today (wednesday) busy busy busy and then got involved on the boards. double length one tomorrow (no; email, silly)smiley - tongueout]

smiley - cheers

scarlet woman

Post 214

Pat Pending


scarlet woman

Post 215


will say

'Evening Your Chelsitivity, Peter. We're still getting the aftershocks up here in Pictland ...a sort of feu de joie. Why can't we have a silent firework? MAybe it could spell out 'BANG' in big letters, but then the little so-and-sos can't read these days. I don't know what the world's ...

[exit stage left, still muttering, pursued by a shower of whizz-bangs]

scarlet woman

Post 216

Scarlet Woman

Yes, let's 'say' (00V)

'capricious'(SW) 'Welshmen who'(ak100)

'interfere' (PP)

with things they

smiley - fairy

[Akira - am looking forward to the extra length! - but at the mo can not get anywhere close to my e-mail - or the MBs - I have no idea what's going on]

scarlet woman

Post 217


don't understand

[like me, I suppose ...]

scarlet woman

Post 218

Scarlet Woman


smiley - fairy

I've missed you all today - Yahoo and the MBs are in a right mess from my end - ummm not sure that sounds too glamerous!

scarlet woman

Post 219



(hello all, hectic week and the fat lady isn't due to start her vocal warm ups 'till friday night.)

-duw duw

scarlet woman

Post 220

Pat Pending


[Sorry everyone: should have introduced myself last night instead of just butting in]

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