This is the Message Centre for Mycelium

scarlet woman

Post 181


lane, which ....

{abandon ... nay, I could not love thee, dear, so much, loved I not honour more ...

More prosaicaly, however HM - or her advisors - required me ...elsewhere
...missed you....

scarlet woman

Post 182


resulted in

smiley - piratesmiley - cheers

[Hello David, how's your weak bean - I mean, how's your week been?]

scarlet woman

Post 183


a severe case

Good Morning, Peter. It's been a weak week ...HM might have been looking after her butler, but she's not been so good to her more minor minions ... we've all been sent to play in a nice cold place ...

Anyway, back on the perch in Pictland, the sun is shining, it's warm for Novemeber, my significant other has opened a nice bottle of claret and I might even persuade her to get the papers...

AND there's Cheddar Gorge....

Who could ask for anything more? [Sorry, Cole, I KNOW I keep quoting you ....

Good Morning to the Scarlet Chelsitivity, too ...

smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly

scarlet woman

Post 184

Scarlet Woman

of mistaken identity

smiley - fairy

Hello OOV - I have just put in a request for a spy smiley - perhaps you should go and give them some specs.

scarlet woman

Post 185


and so

Morning CG - sorry, good afternoon. Specs? I thought the world looked funny this morning ... there, that's better. As regards the spy smiley, well it shouldn't be too distinct ... you see unlike 007, OOV doesn't like to be noticed, it's bad for the health you see. However, I'll open up Paintshop Pro & give it some thought.

See you up the Gorge.

scarlet woman

Post 186

Scarlet Woman


smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 187


overcome by a

smiley - bubbly

scarlet woman

Post 188

Scarlet Woman

sudden longing

smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 189


he bravely

scarlet woman

Post 190


ran away

scarlet woman

Post 191

Scarlet Woman

into the loving

smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 192


and welcoming

'Evening all!

scarlet woman

Post 193

Scarlet Woman

Jaws of Death

smiley - fairy

Blimey where did that come from! Let's hope there's an afterlife...

scarlet woman

Post 194


, a pub where

scarlet woman

Post 195


sheep and goats

[Hello, I'm back after a day of modem c*ck ups. Hopefully the probs are over. It wasn't at my end (oooer, missus) so it's out of my control. A day without the internet! I was lost! What a relief smiley - tongueout]

scarlet woman

Post 196


were hard to tell

Hi Peter! Good to see you back ...

scarlet woman

Post 197



[Why thank you, David, my good man smiley - biggrin. How are things north of the border? That's where you get that snow stuff, isn't it?

You have to remember I'm a southern softie. Anywhere north of Oxford is a different land.

smiley - cheers

scarlet woman

Post 198


in the gloom

Indeed. I saw lots of snow last week, rather farther north than here, though. Mind you, my sister, who lives in Purley, was complaining about how much worse the winters have been for the past few years down in your part of the country. Sorry you had the modem blues today.

smiley - ale

scarlet woman

Post 199

Scarlet Woman

which often gave rise

smiley - fairy

Morning all

scarlet woman

Post 200


to various

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