This is the Message Centre for Mycelium

scarlet woman

Post 161

Scarlet Woman


smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 162



here we go; [Once upon a time there was a gorgeously sexy Japanese monk who calmly slipped a tenner into the receptive antiquated velvety smooth hand of a sooth-sayer who told whopping porkies about his serpentine proclivities, while sipping noisily from a foul-tasting, greenish coloured yet somehow deliciously intoxicating potion prescribed partly by chance when all of the bells were a-clanging furiously in the belfry, towering threateningly over a small but splendidly appointed gazeebo fashioned entirely of tiny fragments which glistened surprisingly brightly as thoughts turned homewards with a secret yet happy glow eminating from the rememberance of Madelaine's ample library of unspeakable subconscious images of the orange librarian whose lack of perspicacity endeared him to all and left-handedly attacked Mrs. Mitsubishi-Forsythe's hampster who drank a fulsome fetid draught from his 'ittle bitty trough over by the shadey peach blossom scented tree-like multi-faceted.....]

scarlet woman

Post 163

Scarlet Woman


smiley - fairy

Sorry about that - but I was stuck!

scarlet woman

Post 164



[ooooh, the good life...]

smiley - cheers

scarlet woman

Post 165

Scarlet Woman


smiley - fairy

Have you recovered from our noontide efforts?
I was laughing so much I nearly fell off me chair!
What spoil sports to remove it all - surely anyone with a smidgen of a sense of humour would think it amusing....or, maybe we're just odd!

scarlet woman

Post 166


sort of

smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

[try to imagine the scene at mod central:

"There seems to be a lot of action over on the BargHunt MB this morning. They get so excited when there's a programme coming up"

"Just a minute, there seem to be a lot of new names in there today."

"Look, that thread had more than one posting - that's unusual"

"Just a minute. What's that? Victorian TV sets?? What's going on?"

"Look. There's another one. They're making rude jokes about swords now"

"JOKES?? The Bargain Hunt posters have developed a sense of humour? But they're David Dickinson groupies. They wouldn't know humour if it smacked them in the face like a wet herring."

"You don't think.....?"

"Oh, no, it's....."

"The 5Livers!!!"

"Quick - what's going on now? They can't say that!"

"They just have!"

"Pull them off quick!"

"Which ones? Look out. There are three - no - four - no - five more threads. Help!!"


(Collapse of mods in untidy heap) ]

smiley - cheers

scarlet woman

Post 167

Scarlet Woman


smiley - fairy

Wasn't it great! I just wish we could have printed it all off before it went!

I didn't see you helping William out with his Japanese Pancakes - it was very funny - well worth going to have a look at.

scarlet woman

Post 168



smiley - cheers

[I missed out on the The Great Pancake Raid. As soon as we all got back from Dickinson World, I switched off and watched a couple of fillums that I taped last night.

I picked up on what had happened early this evening. It was deliciously subtle in places and tastily clever in others. I'm sorry I was having my dinner when you were all talking about what to have for dinner!]

smiley - biggrin

scarlet woman

Post 169

Scarlet Woman


smiley - fairy

I think we're on our ownsome here akira - 00V smiley - borg is obviously off on a mission and Duw Duw is probably having a wild time listening to loads of good stuff.

The Monk might have had rather a good experience as a filling for William's pancake....

scarlet woman

Post 170



unforunately, the music I've been listening to tonight has been, at best, cuffing frap. Cardiff pubs......

tomorrow night, however, is funk & soul night in a local cafe, so don't expect to see me here.

Sounds like I missed out on some fun earlier. never mind, there's always next time. : )

scarlet woman

Post 171

Scarlet Woman


smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 172


a cry

[talking of cardiff pubs, myc., do you know if the royal oak is still there on newport road? i used to work there when it was my local]

scarlet woman

Post 173

Scarlet Woman

of great joy

smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 174



smiley - cheers

scarlet woman

Post 175



[no, peter, i don't know the royal oak yet, but i've only been living here 10 months]

scarlet woman

Post 176


turning around

[Don't worry looking it up; it wasn't much of a place. It probably isn't even there any more. I was there in the mid-seventies when you were just a twinkle!]

scarlet woman

Post 177

Scarlet Woman


smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 178



[my last bracket remark was for Myc/Duw, of course!]

scarlet woman

Post 179


the crooked

smiley - biggrinEvening ,all. Now back after prolonged absence.]

scarlet woman

Post 180

Scarlet Woman


smiley - fairy

Well met OOV smiley - borg! I thought you had abandoned us!

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