This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Awkward Age

Post 101


You're over 29, aren't ya? Yep, you're old.

smiley - biggrin Hi Hyp! Nice seeing you too. What you doing in this antedeluvian company?

Awkward Age

Post 102


Getting ready to join them. smiley - laugh I have a birthday coming up. One of those 'how the heck did this happen' birthdays.

Awkward Age

Post 103


smiley - erm Wish I could help you with that question. I think it has something to do with moving at a speed slower than light. smiley - huh

Birthdays! Yay! smiley - boing Will there be a party? With smiley - cake? Can I get you one of those cards with the obnoxious jokes about calling the fire department?

Awkward Age

Post 104

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

and another thing "why is time soooo linear?" smiley - smiley

Awkward Age

Post 105


There will be a party indeed! In London. smiley - somersault And a pre-party here in Little DooDah. I know the pre-party will have cake. Not sure about the actual one. I don't know what the fire regs are there.

Awkward Age

Post 106


No stopover in NYC? I can bring the blaze to the airport...

Awkward Age

Post 107


I actually considered going through Hartford to see the step-daughter et al, but then my senses returned and I am going through Minneapolis instead.smiley - laugh

So Leo, this would be a good time to visit those posh relatives in London again. Only don't visit them and hang out with your hootoo friends instead.

Awkward Age

Post 108


Eugh! I wouldn't go near them. But as for visiting London... my budget at the moment looks like this:

If I don't buy much lunch before the end of the semester
If I get this internship, and don't have to get a car for the summer to get to work
If taxes aren't too high

Then I can afford my junior year. Senior year I don't know about.

Trip to London? Not even for smiley - cake.

But if you can pull Skanky's rhino horn for me, that would be great. smiley - biggrin

Awkward Age

Post 109

Researcher 198131

When did 29 become the cut-off age for being old? smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

smiley - elf

Awkward Age

Post 110


It will be that until Leo reaches 29, at which point it will increase. One of these days, Leo... smiley - laugh

It is interesting how our perceptions of what is old change as we reach those milestones. It's also interesting how age affects people so differently. Working with the public the way I do, I see people who are old at 60 and people who are still active and vital at 80. Sure, a lot of it is physical, but a lot of it is mental, as well.

Awkward Age

Post 111


smiley - tongueout One of these days what? You have to catch me first... smiley - run Ah, young legs. smiley - tongueout What were you saying about being active at eighty? smiley - run One of these days I'm going to trek out to Webb City just so I can peer into your office and ask if you're the old grumpy librarian I've heard about. smiley - run Except there's no point in visiting a library that hasn't got Howl's Moving Castle on the shelves.smiley - lurk

I would think 29 is rather old for an smiley - elf, no?

Awkward Age

Post 112


Elves are ageless, Leo. You should only hope.

Awkward Age

Post 113


Hi all my ageless friends.

There is no awkward age - except youth.

One grows into one's age. I went to see a specialist in Canterbury yesterday; travelled with a charming young man of 26, who wheeled me in nmy wheelchair as if I was a Queen.

We then went and waited in a waiting room for nearly an hour and then I went in to see a most charming doctor thirty years my junior.

She treated me like a Queen - we both graduated from the same University in South Africa, and then she sent me on my merry way with the said young man still escorting me.

I then had the visit of another charming young gentleman - a lawyer this time, who is about fifty years my junior. He still made me feel like a Queen.

Oh, how I love being eighty years old, rising eighty one. Each year gets better. !!

Age is in the mind - not in our poor unfortunate bodies who have to bear the brunt of our lives, and whom we so abuse.

So guard and care for our minds - carefully and lovingly. Nurture thme. Only feed them with the finest foods and wines, and fruit and occasionally a wonderful chocolate to keep them sweet and tender.
And naturally the occasional celebratory glass of cold smiley - bubbly

With my affectionate smiley - love to all the "young ones"


Awkward Age

Post 114

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

In a few weeks I'll be 50 yep the BIG FiVEoooh! and its going to be the start of the big fun, been saving squibs for a few weeks now......... smiley - evilgrin and also clearing space in the garden for a Vallah fire, been also thinking of changing my name to Odin........ might be a good thing for my Biffday smiley - smiley

Awkward Age

Post 115


Thanks for that post, Christianne. smiley - rose You are a true inspiration to all of us.

Turnig 50 REv? You're still a baby. smiley - winkeye

Awkward Age

Post 116


Come to think of it, another h2g2 Rev is turning 50 this year. I wonder if all h2g2 reverends are the same age? smiley - silly I imagine his birthday party will be more dignified than yours, RJR. smiley - tongueout

Awkward Age

Post 117

Ancient Brit

Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and start all over again with the 50+ alphabet.

A is for apple, and B is for boat,
That used to be right, but now it won't float!
Age before beauty is what we once said,
But let's be a bit more realistic instead.

Here we go with your new age alphabet

A's for arthritis;
B's the bad back,
C's the chest pains, perhaps car-d-iac?

D is for dental decay and decline,
E is for eyesight, can't read that top line!
F is for fissures and fluid retention,
G is for gas which I'd rather not mention.

H .. High blood pressure--I'd rather it low;
I .. For incisions with scars you can show.
J is for joints, out of socket, won't mend,
K is for knees that crack when they bend.

L 's for libido, what happened to sex?
M is for memory, I forget what comes next.
N is neuralgia, in nerves way down low;
O is for osteo, bones that don't grow!

P for prescriptions, I have quite a few,
Just give me a pill and I'll be good as new!
Q is for queasy, is it fatal or flu?
R is for reflux, one meal turns to two.

S is for sleepless nights, counting my fears,
T is for Tinnitus; bells in m y ears!
U is for urinary; troubles with flow;
V for vertigo, that's 'dizzy,' you know.

W for worry, NOW what's going 'round?
X is for X ray, and what might be found.
Y for another year I'm left here behind,
Z is for zest I still have-- in my mind.

*I've survived all the symptoms, my body's deployed, and
I'm keeping twenty-six doctors fully employed!!!

Awkward Age

Post 118


Funny. And unfortunately true. Thanks, AB.

So what is the official age now for becoming a smiley - senior ? Is it still 60? Retirement ages keep increasing.

Awkward Age

Post 119


Hi ancient Brit.

thank goodness for Z!!


Awkward Age

Post 120


Hi you two sorry for the delay. I got locked out. It's happened before so have 'Letabin' as a backup. Hope things clear up and I can get back to AB (That awkward old b7gg4r at that more than an awkward age.)
The official age for senior citizenship is still 65 in the UK unless you are in a civil or public service job. The other alternative is be in a struggling industry like I was and take early retirement. I spoke to you along those lines a few posts ago.
I am not quite sure who or what V!! is. I guess that it may be that I have forgotten 'what' it is for.smiley - smiley
Ancient Brit - here with he help of my mate Letabin smiley - cheers

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