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Awkward Age

Post 21

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Jill Biden (57)

Tina Turner (69, and recent picture)

Schwing smiley - bigeyes

I rest my case.

Awkward Age

Post 22

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

Heels should be avoided at any age over 106..............smiley - laugh

Awkward Age

Post 23


Xantief my friend,

What a brilliant idea. !!

it would have to be made out of a very light wood so that one can pic it up. !!

It is so good to be in contact with you again.



Awkward Age

Post 24


'Phred you are incorrigible. !!

Tis not your eyesight my dear friend,

It is the wonderful approach you have to life, and all the exciting things you write about. !

with many good wishes to you and |Mrs. Phred



Awkward Age

Post 25


Good Heavens, Rev. Jack

Why should those over 106 avoid heels?

I cannot imagine why you would make such a statement. !!

CME smiley - biggrin

Awkward Age

Post 26

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

mutton dressed as lamb............. nes'pa smiley - rofl

Awkward Age

Post 27

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

If I ever make it to that age I have no plans to give up my heels.

Er, did I just say that out loud?

Awkward Age

Post 28


This reminds me of my Aunt Dorothy. She loved heels. At least 3" ones. She had a favorite pair of red spikes that she always said she wanted to be buried in. The problem is that she wasn't any taller than I am and got pretty tottery on them when she got older. She looked off balance when she walked. Alas, she didn't make it to 106. But I have no doubt that she would have continued to wear heels if she had.

Awkward Age

Post 29


Why not. !!

Rev. Jack you are a tease. !!


Awkward Age

Post 30

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

Of course! smiley - biggrin there is no reason for people to feel "old" I'm 50 years of age and I never grew up I grew out smiley - laugh

Awkward Age

Post 31


O was 30 when you were born. !!

Rev. Jack, the problem is that as one gains in age and wisdom one loses in hieght and avoirdupois.

I have shrunk 4 inches - which appals me, and although I think I cn still think logically, I do find that I "forget" the most simple things - especially if a am at all flurried. !!

nice to chat to a little white "cheeky" member of the cnine species. !! . We had one which was called Toby. He created all the mayhem in our household. !!
christiane. AT80

Awkward Age

Post 32


Oh Lordy. !!

I am off to my pit.

so many mistakes.
Mea culpa.


Awkward Age

Post 33


My memory is slipping, as well. One of the problems of aging. If we could forget unhappy things, it would be a benefit. But what I forget is where I've put my keys and why on earth I've gone into a room.

Awkward Age

Post 34


Oh. And at work I have the sort of job where I'm interrupted a lot. I'll start a task, have to go do something else, then forget all about what I was working on in the first place. Drat.

Christiane, you are a joy at any height. smiley - biggrin

Awkward Age

Post 35

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

ahh hah the "half way up the stairs" paradox! Quick get the "wheelchair wizz kid Hawkins" on the case! Just one thing before I die is to hear Prof Stevie Hawkins yodle.............. imagin that eh.................... it would take ages to programme his voice pc to do that, but what a kariokie night that would be

smiley - smiley

Awkward Age

Post 36


My theory about memory loss is that our brains are only capable of holding so much information. We run our of space. smiley - biggrin That's why we can remember what happened 40 years ago but not what we were doing 5 minutes ago.

Awkward Age

Post 37


Back in the days when information was passed by word of mouth, people had phenomenal memories. There must have been some program to train by. There were those who could have repeated, for example, Obama's inaugural speech verbatim after a single hearing.

My memory has slowed down. It's a toss-up between age and drug abuse. One helped the other along, I figure. I'm bad with names, but if you give me a bit of time, I could make a correlation between face and name. Even without hearing the face or seeing the name for a handful of years. But in real time, it's "Hi, um..." and that's frustrating.

I firmly believe, as sort of a side note, that the reported decline in maths skills in the UK may be in large part attributed to the move to the metric system in the 70s; the decline in memory skills has already begun, with the proliferation of devices we use to remember everything.

Hyp, I can relate to the distraction issues. Terrible nuisance. It comforts me though that everyone in the IT business is subject to distractions, and it's not necessarily me.

Awkward Age

Post 38

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I think I might have explained this before... can't remember for sure smiley - winkeye

It takes about five seconds to walk from the bar to the dishwash area at work. Nine times out of ten (possibly more) I've forgotten what I went for by the time I get there. Five seconds! Sometimes I take a right turn through the doorway and find myself in dry store wondering why I can't find the cappuccino cups.

I'll often begin a task, get distracted by something and then forget about it, and fifteen minutes later find three or four half-finished tasks about the place. Oh, that's right - I was restocking the walk-in/a beer cooler/making cold brew/lemonade/cleaning the speed rack/taking the wrappers off the peanut butter cups/sending an email/brewing some coffee/perm any five from those eight.

And it's getting worse.

Awkward Age

Post 39


Hi all you fellow sufferers!!

I am trying to train myself to start, perform,finish a task before I start another. !!

It is actually quite difficult to do especially if the telephone rings, or I look out the window and get distracted.

On the whole though I think it is is going to work.

However, when I was young, I could literally do five tasks practically at the same time. !!. It is sad to lose that skill.

Have a good day.


Awkward Age

Post 40

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

There is only one task left to me now that i can start and finish with out getting distracted............... Sex!

smiley - blush

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