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Funny metaphors

Post 141

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

smiley - smiley There's an intriguing musical called 'The Challenge', based on the Theseus/Minotaur legend. The minotaur's future mummy (crazy lady) and daddy (the bull) have a duet called 'I want to be the bull inside your china shop'. The phrase has never been the same for me since I heard that song!

Funny metaphors

Post 142


*screams with laughter at David's version of Bull in China Shop*

Funny metaphors

Post 143


To describe someone who is distracted ....

Like a fart in a trance

Funny metaphors

Post 144


Yes, I already gave that one. XD It's one that my Dad has been known to use.

Funny metaphors

Post 145


Then there is the famous "like a cat on a hot tin roof."

Like a fly in the ointment.
As cute as a button. smiley - weird
As droopy as a willow after a summer rain.

Funny metaphors

Post 146

Lady Chattingly

As limp as a rag

As big as all outdoors

Slept like a log
or a baby

Funny metaphors

Post 147


Confused as a fart in a tornado.

'Common' meaning plebian, lackluster, hoi-polloi:

He's as common as pig tracks.
He's as common as owl s***.
He's so common his p*** don't foam.

Yep, many good metaphors are vulgar...but appropriate.

Funny metaphors

Post 148

Lady Chattingly

A lot of the metaphors Hyp and I heard growing up were questionable. Our Dad had a way with words.
How about "Cold enough to freeze the b***s off a brass monkey" or
"As dry as a popcorn fart".

Funny metaphors

Post 149


nasty enough to gag a maggot

Funny metaphors

Post 150


Busy as a one-legged man in an arse-kicking contest.

Funny metaphors

Post 151


Colder than a well-digger's butt.

Funny metaphors

Post 152


Hot as a pistol.

Funny metaphors

Post 153


Freezing the balls off a brass monkey is actually a fact. I wish I could remember where I saw that - I'll have to check out snopes, might have been there. It had something to do with the way canon balls were stored and the fact that metal reacts to temperature and so on... and the balls rolled off the 'monkey' which was made of brass. I'll have to find that again.

For a member of Liars Anonymous:
You lie like a rug.

Funny metaphors

Post 154


Okay, I stand (or sit) corrected. Actually now I feel pretty silly for buying it. In my defense it was a long time ago...

Funny metaphors

Post 155


Actually, Snopes don't agree with the cannonball thing:

Funny metaphors

Post 156


smiley - blush Simulpost. Don't worry, Broe, it's one of those things you hear all over the place.

Funny metaphors

Post 157


Yes, I got that. Actually, it's entirely possible I read it there to begin with and just *chose* not to recall the less interesting part of the story smiley - winkeye

Funny metaphors

Post 158

Lady Chattingly

Broe, I've heard the same story about the cannon balls.

Funny metaphors

Post 159


Ditto. Must be one of those things that is widely believed.

Funny metaphors

Post 160

Lady Chattingly

I'm thinking I heard it on the History Channel. smiley - biggrin

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