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Funny metaphors

Post 161

Researcher 198131

I've a couple. First one I'm not really sure if you consider a metaphor because I don't really know what it means.
There's an ad on the Telly here about some sort of on-line health insurance. She says, "you'd have to be puffin' muffins" not to deal with them or what ever the rest of the sentence says. I can't remember. I just remember the 'Puffin' Muffins' bit. Never heard it before, thought it odd.

The other one is "You've got more front than Myers". It's a very old Melbournian one. Myers is a very big department store in the city with huge frontage. Their front windows are famous for their Christmas displays.

Hyp, I never noticed the busses were backwards!

smiley - elf

Funny metaphors

Post 162


The more front than Myers goes along with broader than the side of a barn, which is very common in the Ozarks.

Yep, little bouncing backward busses. On the other hand, maybe everyone else has it wrong and what I thought was the front which everyone says is the back is actually the front. smiley - silly

puffin muffins....sounds like a good title for a children's book.

Funny metaphors

Post 163

Lady Chattingly

You could write it, Hyp. We'll get grandson number 1 to illustrate it. smiley - smiley

Funny metaphors

Post 164


Of course a cow muffin is the same as a cow patty, so a puffin muffin could be a pile of guanno. smiley - silly

How about:

slippery as an eel
phoney as a three dollar bill
naked as a jay bird
dumb as dirt

Funny metaphors

Post 165

Lady Chattingly

Jay birds are not actually naked.......maybe it should be naked as a baby jay bird. smiley - smiley
I can think of quite a few more than Dad quoted, but most of them are rather smiley - erm

Funny metaphors

Post 166


Most of Dad's sayings would definitely be moderated. smiley - biggrin He was quite colorful.

Funny metaphors

Post 167


About someone who is lacking in co-ordination

Couldn't hit a coo's arse with a banjo.

Funny metaphors

Post 168


How many meanings does 'coo' have anyway? It seems to be an all-purpose word.

Funny metaphors

Post 169


A coo is a Scottish cow.

Funny metaphors

Post 170


Ah. Thanks. smiley - laugh Makes more sense knowing that.

Funny metaphors

Post 171


I canna believe you lot dinna ken fit a coo is!

Weel, ye ken noo.

smiley - biggrin

Funny metaphors

Post 172


Translation into amerkin:

'Couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a bass fiddle'.

Funny metaphors

Post 173


They always sound better when they alliterate well, Xantief smiley - ok

Funny metaphors

Post 174


I love to listen to a Scotts accent. Can't understand a word of it, but it is so lilting. smiley - winkeye

At least they don't add extra syllables to words the way they do in the American South. For example, take the word declare. Did you know it has 3 syllables? smiley - laugh

Funny metaphors

Post 175

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

I'm a big fan of most of the Scots accents as well. In fact, many accents are good. A new guy started at work this week - he comes from Cardiff and has a wonderful soft Welsh accent. Very nice chap as well.

Funny metaphors

Post 176

Lady Chattingly

He was so drunk he couldn't hit his ass with both hands........

Funny metaphors

Post 177


And so stupid he couldn't find his ass with both hands.

Funny metaphors

Post 178


And a map.
Couldn't find his ass with both hands and a map.

smiley - winkeye

Funny metaphors

Post 179

Hickory Daiquiri Duck

He war so iggnent, he couldn' pour p*** out of a boot if the instructions waz on da heel!

Funny metaphors

Post 180

Lady Chattingly

Dumb as a post

Deaf as a post

Ugly as a mud fence........or have we done that one?

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