This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator

hello kat

Post 61

Reality Manipulator

Jim I can see the interview for prospective candiates for writers/actors.

I see your surname is Baker?
Are you eccentric?
Do you have a thing with wild colours and long scarves?
You have the job.

hello kat

Post 62

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
look in the search for TIMELORD
the first one is the one you want, he must have been a real fan of dr who.smiley - smiley
the two bakers ring a bell, but the third i cant remeber,so cant help unless i can find something lurking, i,ll go on a lurk jimsmiley - discoxxxxx

hello kat

Post 63

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheerssmiley - taJim I will look for the name of the writer in TIMELORD.smiley - smiley

hello kat

Post 64

Reality Manipulator

Jim I have found it, his name is Bob Baker and he o-created K-9, the Doctors robot dog, for the script that he wrote "The Invisible Enemy". He wtote many scipts for the Doctor Who tv series by Bob along with his writing partner Dave Martin.smiley - tardis

hello kat

Post 65

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
no bells my end on the baker one this time lol.
in theold days i was a real sci fi buff, now i cant remeber anything unless like you did, they jog my memory.
been in the library today, had an hour on a pc,was like old times, i dont think lolsmiley - smiley
this time i didnt have to fight the ruddy viruses.smiley - discojimxxxxx

hello kat

Post 66

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

I remember reading about Bob Baker in the 25th anniversary of Doctor Who. It just briefly mentioned how he got the position and a little bit about what stories he wrote.

hello kat

Post 67

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
just checked to see if any who fans had mentioned a bob baker in a guide,but nothing came up.
it started as a nice day, and now it looks like its about to pee down,lolsmiley - discoj
as i said, ive forgotten what i remebered lol, so if you can remeber any sci fi films or whatever, if you jog my memory i might have seen them,ie
planet 9 from out of space seems to come to mind, and a film about a meteior than landed, as a small rock, and when it got wet it grew to massive rock towers, that was slowly heading for a town to crush it.
one of the weirdest type sci fi films was the one,with a famous singer playing the alien, who was captured in the end and his special lens on his eyes stopped him from going back to his home planet.
and the most famous sci fi, with micheal reine, as a spaceman who when he lands, is shot,and lives with a mother and son,and the ship is watched over by a giant robot(some kind of police)smiley - discojimxxxxx

hello kat

Post 68

Reality Manipulator

smiley - taThanks Jim for the information about the other sci-films.

When the earth smiley - earth stood still, is one of my favourites. I saw a clip on it Star Trek: Enterprise when of the crew members was watching the film in his cabin with an smiley - aliensmile

hello kat

Post 69

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
sorry i wasnt around last night, had a bit of a busy day, ending with the visit to the docs for my ears to be seringed, smiley - smiley
it brings back old days, and memories of films i thought where long fogotten.
did you ever watch a film where an astronout went into space and returned, but nothing was the same,looked ok but evrything was in reverse.and as the film progressed he realised he had landed on another earth, but it was like looking through a mirror and seeing the reverse.
have you noticed that what was part of sci fi is now in some ways being used in real life
take dan dare and the ray gun(now we have the lazer)in the atlantis film, they had a way to harness the sun, to distroy there ememys,
we can use hundred mirrors to direct the rays of the sun, to cut through a metal plate up to 3 feet thick.
and something you will be interested, the goverment is at the moment trying to perfect a sonic screwdriver( re dr who).
so in a nutshell, where will it end lolsmiley - disco
ps, i can hear agin yipee.

hello kat

Post 70

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

I hope you are ears are feeling better now.smiley - smiley

I have at seen the film about the astronaut coming down back to smiley - earth only to find everything in reverse. I think in the end he went back to his own smiley - earth. I found it difficult to understand but when I watched it the second time then it became easier to understand.

Yes a lot of what you on sci-fi is happening in real life, even anti matter transporters (very rudamentary) passing one energy source to another place. Tri-corders although very big ones are being used for cardiac patients all they have to do is stand in front of it. Robotic surgery - a doctor using a computer to help with surgery. Laser surgery instead of using scalpels. Hypo sprays are being developed to be used instead of syringes. Phasers - taser guns. Even the idea of a smiley - tardis bigger in the inside than the outside theoritcally can be done. A lot of what is happening in sci-fi can happen but will take a lot of energy to do so, ie time travel but all is needed is to find a new energy source.

hello kat

Post 71

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat

did you know that a few years back a newclear clock was sent into space, the perpuse to see if fast than light speed would slow the clock down which theretically should be impossible,it did slow it down

so inforcing a theary that by speeding time in continum that we could go back into the pst or future, if the speed was intesimal, phew lolsmiley - disco

im in the library hence the - not seperating the sentences.

i was bored so i came out for a few hours at 11am and its now 3-18pm

and ive still 20 mins on the pc lolsmiley - discosmiley - lovejimxxxxx

hello kat

Post 72

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jim smiley - smiley

That is one thing I can never understand - atomic/nuclear clocks. I do not know how they work.

All they need to do is find a new power more powerful than atomic/nuclear energy.

It would be really exciting if they could travel to the future or futurstic parrell worlds.

In another universe, there could be a real Doctor Who smiley - doctorsmiley - aliensmilesmiley - tardis or a real Enterprise with the Federation of planets smiley - planet.smiley - cool

hello kat

Post 73

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
if you think as the question which came first, the chicken or the egg.
you could say the same which came first the alien or human beings,
if the theory, that earth was part of a large body, or planet that spun into an orbit, we see as gravity,then the god, jesus,6 days, and rest is blown into oblivion,and the ameaba that came from the water on land and evolved into the homosapian.
at school we where taught that the dinasurs and cavemen where on earth together, but its a load of yuck,the dinasuar was extint,well before the caveman came,
if the missing link from nealithic to pealithic is ever proved,history would be a thing of the past.and the ameaba theory would be proved, and the world would have to acsept we did evolve for a primative apeman.not a caveman.
and what if there are what we perseve as aliens are here among us,and we and they dont know.
1947 roswell,truth or lie.spaceship or weather balloon.smiley - discojimxxxx

hello kat

Post 74

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

Here is some information I found on the subject - Are aliens still living amongst us.

Are the Extraterrestrials Who First Came to Earth Still Here?

Here are three possiblities:

1) The aliens who first arrived on Earth, changed Homo erectus into Homo sapiens via manipulations of their DNA, and ruled the Earth for generations and then they have left the Earth and they are not coming back.

2) The are still here and have always been here, but they are staying out of public view. So they probably gone underground

3) They have left, but they are going to come back and they will not be very happy about what has happened since taking their rest i.e. get ready for future smiley - aliensmile interventions!

Is Stargate SG-1 tv programme real?

There have been confirmed reports that there is actually a Stargate in exsistance. There is documented evidence that a Stargate command operates and as in the episode Wormhole Extreme, a Televison programme, the Stargate SG-1 has been created as a cover up.

The true Stargate is smaller than the size of it's television counterpart, the symbols are not the same to protect the real dial out sequence. But unlike the programme, there are only five persons per team. They have not discovered an alien parasitic race which its ambition is to dominate the universe... yet. There are however alien races of people willing to help the people of Earth. All be it grudginly, as they are fed up about at what we are doing to ourselves and to the planet we are on.

The true Stargate is a portal of the mind and body. The teams are connected to the gate and voyage on a discovery trail set by ancient alien visitors. They have left the portal for us, so that we may discover the true reason behind how we humans became life on this planet.

The Ancients in Stargate have ascended to another higher (spiritual/emotional/phsyical) level, which very close to the truth behind why we are here. The 'Ancients' are infact the ascended races of the people of Atlantis, hence the new spin off Stargate Atlantis and of the Mayan race. The Mayan gods are what have been altered to the Egyptian gods in the main story of Stargate SG-1 again to detract from the true story. The Mayans are well documented to have just 'left' earth without a trace, leaving all their posessions to be found with no trace of their bodies.

They have moved to a higher energy, like those of the fictional 'Ancients' in Stargate SG-1. People are still searching for Atlantis. There are many theories as to the location, Atlantic and Greece. Stargate SG-1 writers have left one true clue. Atlantis trully lies beneath the surface of Antartica. The Stargate project did indeed find the ancient portal, left by the Ancients in Antartica. It was discovered by Dr Danrich Randerarons, of Greenland on January 23, 1950. The exsistance has been kept a secret by NATO. They were perplexed and were at first unable to decipher the markings and figure out how it worked. The Mayans and the Atlantians, left a bluprint to the discovery of the mysteries of the universe which is The Stargate.

It was in 1994 that the Stargate Project finally started. Drs Hanks and Gippant were responsible in unravelling the mysteries and got the portal working. The Space programme took a back seat while the funding was redirected into a multinational fund to develop the project. Scientists and specially selected people from various contributing nations, slowly unravelled the secrets.

A unkown person caused Dr Hanks to be fatally injured, in 2002, but in doing so saved the planet from the poles being melted, as the portal overloaded with a type of heavy fuel. He was accepted back into the fold after proving himself during Portal exercises by Dr Danrich Randeraro.

You can leap through to the true Portal to the gate to the true meaning behind the real Stargate.

hello kat

Post 75

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
we are always looking for aleins.
but what if we are the aleins,
we could be like an experiment,under scrutiny,
the planet we call earth, could be another race well involved to what we are, that uses us as a way to se, how they got to where they are, in a nutshell, we are reliving what aleins(as we call them)have already lived hundreds of years ago,
so we are, if true, nothing but slaves, living out something thats already happened, ie the statues on christmas island of what we see as astrnauts.still unexplained.a tribe that for hundreds of years worship a straw ship,plane.and the landing strip,you can only see from the air,someone had to lay the stones
some sightings of spaceships(as we call them)are explainable, some are not, but so many have faked them that we dont know whats the truth anymore.smiley - discojimxxxxx

hello kat

Post 76

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

in 1947 we got to near the truth, since then you even mention the lights and your mad.
people who say they have been in a spaceship have now made it sound, well do we beleive,some do, that want to, others say,its gone to far,catch 22, back to the chicken and egg lolsmiley - discojimxxx

hello kat

Post 77

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jim

I have watched tv programmes where scientists say that we are the aliens. They say because an astroid from Mars fell on earth, life started.

I just saw this about the development of hyperdrive.

Take a leap into hyperspace
05 January 2006

From The New Scientist
2005 winner of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics awardin the nuclear and future flight category went to a paper calling for experimental tests of an astonishing new type of engine. The hyperdrive motor could propel a craft through another dimension at enormous speeds. It could leave Earth at lunchtime and get to the moon in time for dinner. The idea relies on an obscure and largely unrecognised laws of physics.

It will be and end to spending six months or more holed up in a rocket on the way to Mars. Instead a round trip using the hyperdrive energines could take you to Mars as little as 5 hours. With these engines it would put interstellar travel within easy reach for the first time.

Two other German scientists in the 50's Dröscher and Häuser speculated that a rotating magnetic field could reduce the influence of gravity on a spacecraft enough for it to take off.

"Gravity reduction" or "anti-gravity" require a huge rotating ring placed above a superconducting coil to create an intense magnetic field. To completely counter Earth's pull on a 150-tonne spacecraft a magnetic field of around 25 tesla would be needed.

If this happens, it would be possible to reach Mars in less than 3 hours and a star 11 light years away in only 80 days, Dröscher and Häuser say.

hello kat

Post 78

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
at one time nasa even thought of sending astronouts in a ship, but putting them in stasus, and auto waking in say 10 years, by then if the perils in space hadnt hit the ship(not very likley) they would be able to reach say the farest planets.
but like most ideas it went by the board, stasus was just a thoery, that they havent been able to conquer.
so its still something in sci fi films.the nearest would be cryogenics.smiley - discojimxxxxxx

hello kat

Post 79

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

They are still researching about cryongenics. I have heard that your hair and nails still grow if you are in status.

I have finished reading the book Dune and I would like to read Children of Dune.

I find it a lot cooler indoors than outdoors.

I am waiting for the Dune film 1984 (extended by 35 minutes)

hello kat

Post 80

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
i dont watch many films nowadays with the strain it gets to my eyes.
i see they are reanacting the superman again, why cant they just let it die with reeves.
with all the versions of films, it a wonder they haven t tryed a remake of ben hur, but as it holds the most oscars 11 i think, no one would dare try lol.
its time they found another half decent sci fi film, smiley - discojimxxx

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