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Diary of a non smoker

Post 81

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

D'you think if I stop smoking, Ged'll buy me a big bar of chocolate with turkish delight in it?smiley - drool

Diary of a non smoker

Post 82


No cos he's mine smiley - tongueout

I've given him my cold now though smiley - sadface s after tea were gonna cuddle up in a duvet with our lempsips n watch most haunted smiley - laugh

Diary of a non smoker

Post 83

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

D smokes as well so no chance of him helping me, but he might buy me smiley - choc if I ask nicely!!!smiley - biggrin

We're off to quiz night tonight in our local. We're not very good but it's a tourist bar and they recycle a lot of the questions every couple of weeks when the tourists go home so we're getting better cos we remeber a lot of the answers.....smiley - laugh

Diary of a non smoker

Post 84

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I'd find it much easier to give up if 90% of the people I socialise with weren't smokers!

Diary of a non smoker

Post 85

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

How bad is this....? I started smoking at the grand old age of 25. My whole family were at the hospital visiting my grandad who was dying of lung cancer (he hadn't smoked for 50 years tho). Most of them went out to have a fly puff in the car park. I followed along, nicked one from my sister just to try it and the rest, as they say, is history...smiley - yikes

Diary of a non smoker

Post 86

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

That is pretty bad.

I started through spliffs. I was a belligerent anti- & non-smoker. I was about 20 when cannabis came into my life, mainly through the band I was in a the time. To avoid tobacco I intitially tried smoking it through a biro off a skateboard truck, then pipes (which, being a non-smoker caused *serious* coughing fits) but eventually found myself the right amount of intoxicated at the right time to try a spliff.

The first time I smoked a cigarette was at work one morning. I'd become addicted to nicotine without realising it.

I rarely smoke spliffs any more (can't remember the last time I did) but still smoke tobacco. The governments' right when they say cannabis is a gateway drug, but it's wrong about the thing it's a gateway to. Still, as 90% of the price of a packet of 20 is tax I reckon at least I'm paying for my future healthcare.

That's disingenuous. My parents buy tobacco for me (as I mentioned earlier in the thread) and I don't but a lot of tobacco. I don't usually buy tobacco from the 'bloke down the pub' because I can't be bothered. However, the bloke down the pub sells 50 grams (approx. 2oz) for £4.50 - £5.00. A duty paid tobacconist/newsagent/offie/supermarket bought 50g packet is the best part of £8. That's why many, many people buy from the bloke down the pub.

Would it not make sense to reduce the duty and collect *more* revenue as more people would buy legitimate baccy/ciggies if the price was closer to black market prices?

I know that that the high duty is imposed largely to deter smokers from smoking & non-smokers from starting but I can't help thinking that the governments' (anyrecent UK governments') primary concern is revenue generation. They conveniently forget the amount of money smokers are contributing to the NHS when they mention the amount of money smokers cost the NHS (about 2 thirds of the way down this admittedly biased story ).

Sorry I went off on a ranty tangent there. If I keep this up I'll be worthy of non- TriG related chats in The Forum!

Diary of a non smoker

Post 87

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'd hate to think how much I've given the government in tax from my smoking smiley - doh I too first encountered tobacco whilst mixed with a little something else ~== smiley - evilgrinsmiley - erm I was avidly anti smoking when younger, as both parents smoked, but I think I'd have been about 15 when I started smoking grass/hashish and that just naturally led on to having a packet of cigarettes or pouch of tobacco and rolling papers with me smiley - ermsmiley - doh Though I did used to smoke a lot less back then at 15 16/17 years old, I was doing an awful lot more other things instead smiley - dohsmiley - blushsmiley - goodluck you got that choc yet seriph? can I have some? smiley - grovelsmiley - choc

Diary of a non smoker

Post 88

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Any of that choc left? smiley - grovel <w smiley - winkeye hows the cravings today? smiley - grovelsmiley - cuddlesmiley - goodluck

Diary of a non smoker

Post 89


yeah i got my chocolate smiley - drool

Day 2 now n I'm feeling really pants. Cold still bringing me down n I;'ve started coughing up gunk chest feels so tight n wheezy.The usual answer Ifind is a fag to 'cut the phlegm'..lovely smoker expression that eh! smiley - illbut obviously I can't do that so I'm trying hot drinks etc indstead.Don't think we'll be going out this afternoon.

Diary of a non smoker

Post 90

The Groob

Keep on keeping on S smiley - ok

You could always say what I said when I gave up (er, the first time I gave up, admittedly) : 'If you see me smoking you have my permission to throw a bucket of cold water over me'.

Diary of a non smoker

Post 91

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Bad news is that they'l be a lot of gunk in your lungs, and your going to have keep coughing it up for a while; but just think; this is all the c**p that has built up in your lungs (and pressumbably is languishing in mine as a smoker too), over the years you've been smoking; now your giving time for the airways to recover from the damange cigarette smoke does; the cilia are growing back, and helping move the gunk out of your lungs smiley - cool wich is good news for your lungs of course; and once its gone its gone; but in the meantime it must be horrid smiley - yuk aww smiley - cuddlesmiley - goodluck keep up the good work smiley - evilgrin

Diary of a non smoker

Post 92


I'd rather not get that far as to be seen smiley - winkeye but i'll keepit in mind!

Diary of a non smoker

Post 93

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Give us a txt if you get the urge to smoke too much and I can call you and bore you to death on the phone smiley - zzz then you won't feel like a ciggy smiley - winkeyesmiley - hug

Diary of a non smoker

Post 94


smiley - laugh ok

smiley - hug

feeling a bit better for a fresh patch n a good snort of some olbas oil smiley - zen

The boys have gone for their saturday swim so I'm off to try n snooze a while.

Diary of a non smoker

Post 95

A Super Furry Animal

Keep going Serephina! <goodluck.

I calculated the other day that I'd smoked somewhere around a quarter of a million cigarettes in my lifetime. At current prices that's about £60,000 spent on fags.

Just think what I could've bought with that! Absolutely LOADS more smiley - alesmiley - stoutsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - redwinesmiley - bubbly!!!

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Diary of a non smoker

Post 96

The Groob

Serephena, you'll probably do what I do - you'll wake up and think 'fag time!' then suddenly remember. smiley - sadface

Diary of a non smoker

Post 97


yeah i did smiley - sadface

I was dreaming about fags last night! smiley - erm

Bloody stoopid little white things aren't worth the money,and the breath and the inevitable heart attack (in my state of health) though I just have to keep remembeing that..

Diary of a non smoker

Post 98

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - hugsmiley - cuddle you can do it smiley - magicsmiley - zensmiley - chocsmiley - drool *cough smiley - wah wish I could smiley - dohsmiley - evilgrin

Diary of a non smoker

Post 99


About to crack!
got really upset again a little while ago..really teary and felt so overwhelmed!
cuddles didnt help much so geds gone to get some emergency fags..gnna have just one.. already feel like ive failed n im useless!

Diary of a non smoker

Post 100

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - cuddle aww, but your doing so well smiley - cuddle

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