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Diary of a non smoker

Post 101


Had 2 and ripped up n threw away the rest..

Around 4pm seems to be a real trouble spot for me cravings wise..ill watch out for it tomorrow.

Diary of a non smoker

Post 102

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Tut tut! smiley - grr you naughty naughty thing smiley - grrsmiley - hugsmiley - erm Don't know what to sugest smiley - erm maybe try to engrose yourself in a book or something about that time? or >... smiley - ermsmiley - doh

Diary of a non smoker

Post 103


Just got home from casualty! 2 lots of nebuilsers,steroids ,blood test n chest x-ray! smiley - yikes

the cigarette im curently smoking for the stress
tastes like something died in it smiley - ill

Diary of a non smoker

Post 104

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - yikes what happened?! smiley - cuddle to make you need to go to casulity? smiley - ermsmiley - hug how are you now? smiley - erm

Diary of a non smoker

Post 105


Chest just felt really really icky smiley - sadface could hardly breathe this morning. Is just a virus she said but I needed a bit of a head start on clearing it out..

smiley - hug

Diary of a non smoker

Post 106

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Is it feeling a lot better now then? smiley - grovel and whats this!: how many cigarettes have you smoked since you quitted? smiley - grrsmiley - cuddlesmiley - erm I've only had three cigarettes today as I'm nearly out smiley - doh mind, I'll probably smoke what I've left in the pub this evneing smiley - dohsmiley - goodluck

Diary of a non smoker

Post 107


I've had 3 since I quitted smiley - blush

huge improvement on 30 a day though which i want to improve even more

Diary of a non smoker

Post 108

The Groob

I know that many folk when they weaken and have one label the whole exercise 'failure' and go back to smoking.

Diary of a non smoker

Post 109


I'm trying not to do that. I haven't 'failed' I just need a bit longer to succeedsmiley - winkeye

Diary of a non smoker

Post 110

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

yeh, I mean, thats like what, one a day since you started quitting?! smiley - wow in which time I've probably smoked.... thirty something smiley - dohsmiley - blushsmiley - ermsmiley - yikes thirty a day smiley - puff I only smoke anywhere near that when I'm at a meet or on a big p**s up smiley - biggrinsmiley - doh

Diary of a non smoker

Post 111


I haven't counted in a long time so it could be more than 30 aday (some normal some rollups) i can easily smoke 20 cigs 'and' a 12.5 bagof tobacco in not much mor than a fact thats pretty much what i was doing!
I need to change the way i think about cigarettes. we're going to get the alan carr book tomorrow and for the meantime i'm gonna have an 'emergency fag' alowable daily..ifi 'really' need it. id rather brealk and have one a day, n 29 successes daily that just go fuck it n smoke properly again! While im sticking to one only ifi really need it illbe working on not needing that one ..hopefully ill be more successful!

Diary of a non smoker

Post 112

Mrs Bojangles

Hope you don't mind me butting in...smiley - smiley
From my own, and friends attempts at quitting smoking, everyone seems to discover they have a 'weak' moment, a certain time of day for some, every 3rd day of stopping for me, etc. Thing is to not give up giving up. Also, if you're doing this via the smoking cessation thingy, decrease the strength and the time you spend on the patches as & when you're ready. Mine had me off them after 3 months, proved to be too soon (she said spilling fag ash all over the keyboard!)
Some groups are of the thinking that you should stick with the patches for at least 6 months, because as big as the addiction is, the actual habit also takes some getting to grips with.
You've already proved you can go at least a whole day with out smoking, sounds like progress to mesmiley - smiley
Good luck, by the way.

Diary of a non smoker

Post 113

Researcher 1463359

Sorry I've been away, honey. Hugs from over here in not-hung-over land. Ow my head. smiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

Diary of a non smoker

Post 114


Don't mind at all Mrs Bojangles smiley - ok

I'm doing an awful lot better than I thought I would to be honest. I have a very compulsive personality and not a great deal of will power!
The habit and psychological side are a lot harder than the addiction.I'm using visualisation techniques to try to help me implement new behaviours. Aparently,the brain can't tell the diffeence between a good clear visualisation and reality, so what we think about most,be become supposedly!

Diary of a non smoker

Post 115


You're doing well at the moment bird!

But just to nag, every time you have an 'emergency' cigarette you are putting nicotine back into your system, you'll never break the craving cycle if you don't abstain!

And what a waste of money! Buying cigarettes just to have one and rip the others up! Are you going to do that every time you want a fag?smiley - yikes thats almost criminal! You could distract yourself by doing something that takes your mind off of it and saving yourself £2.50!

Keep going, it won't be long before you no longer need your emergency ciggys! smiley - hug

smiley - goodluck

Diary of a non smoker

Post 116


Ged has hold of my emergency fagsat the was only the first time i cracked we ripped the rest up smiley - winkeye that'd soon put me off though eh!
I've been doing some relaxation and going to my gardeny place like I did with you that time and trying to figure out why I do it. The main reasons seem to be comfort and feeling I need a prop to make me more interesting and acceptable smiley - erm so now I know that I can try and tackle it
rather than going in blind.Telling myself I don't need it lots too.

Diary of a non smoker

Post 117


smiley - hug

I'm very proud of you! and that exercise is a very good one! smiley - ok

How's it going this morning?

Diary of a non smoker

Post 118


smiley - blush

I've been wanting one all morning but keep telling myself i'll just do such n first n then have it after smiley - ok
picking Josh up early today as he's got his CAMS appointment about the art therapy and what not.We're gonna go into town a bit early n go have a hot choc and a bit of cake in books etc whilst trying to pick me a good stop smoking book ,probably the one freddy recommended.

Diary of a non smoker

Post 119


Not long home smiley - smiley

Got josh to cams and his therapy sessions start next week.She wants to me alone thursday lunchtime first though. Went to books etc. we chose a book called 'overcoming your smoking habit ..a self help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques' in the end. It looks good,and of couse deals with the emotional and psychological side of things and reprogramming my brain to not want to smoke.It does say though that during the first part of the programme you should smoke when you feel the need to. The need will gradually reduce over a week or so to nothing if you usethe techniques properly.

I refuse however to go back to what i was on a day prior to last thursday.i cant.So im gonna carry on the patches n only smoking when i really feel the need while i use this book to deal with the want/need..
I've had 6 cigarettes today.I'll prolly have one before I go to bed. Hopefully tomorrow it will be not hopefully it will be.
Co-incidentally, the authour strongly recommends you begin the CBTprogramme on a tuesday...fate there eh smiley - winkeye

Diary of a non smoker

Post 120


smiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle

You can do it Serephina smiley - smooch

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