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Diary of a non smoker

Post 141


Always wondered how you managed to lose them, or whether someone stole them. smiley - thief

and no it wasn't me smiley - tongueout though i did think about it smiley - blush

Diary of a non smoker

Post 142


What it was was Id lost one of them before at home (probably came out in the washing machine or something) and I was trying to make one lace act for two! It then kept undoing itself n falling out as my boobs strained for freedom against he poor wee thing smiley - laugh

Diary of a non smoker

Post 143


smiley - laughsmiley - drool

Diary of a non smoker

Post 144


They'll vanish nce I start the eating CBT too y'know smiley - tongueout Don' t worry though I'll get you some playdoh to compensate..

smiley - tongueout

Diary of a non smoker

Post 145


Playdoh's not the same though smiley - tongueout

Diary of a non smoker

Post 146


Well it'll have to do smiley - tongueout

Get a nicepressie brought back from Istanbul?

Diary of a non smoker

Post 147


Not that i've seen, though my Dad's only just got in.

Diary of a non smoker

Post 148


Demand the pressies smiley - drool

smiley - evilgrin

Diary of a non smoker

Post 149


Yes demand the pressies!! And tell him we want some too!! smiley - evilgrin


Makes everything seem better and releases some lovely endorphins too...smiley - rainbow

Right now I'm feeling really guilty about not seeing you for about 100 years...smiley - winkeye When can I invade your house? smiley - evilgrin Must say hello to that yeti person at some point as well! You can't keep him locked in that cage forever y'know! smiley - laugh

Diary of a non smoker

Post 150


I'm starting a purge today as my sense of smell is returning n i dont want to go in the kitchensmiley - ermsmiley - ill

feel free to invade any time..just excuse the mess! its kimn aggies worst nightmare at the mo!

My yeti is usually here at the weekends (fri,sat n sun) though i hijacked him for a bit extra last week.smiley - winkeye

Diary of a non smoker

Post 151


smiley - laugh Thats very funny! You'll have to put a clothes peg on your nozzle while you clean then!

Cool bananas I shall sort out a spot in my diary for you, I'd rather come when I'm on my own and have got time to chat but I might bring Mr Squidgy with me to entertain you!

If not I shall make a point of popping round when yeti is with you so I can beat him in person.

How are you feeling this morning? smiley - hug

Diary of a non smoker

Post 152

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

I'm watching from afar how you're getting on fear, you're doing just great!!!!

Diary of a non smoker

Post 153


I bet mr squidgy is HUGE now smiley - puffCaden goes over 20lbs the fat little bugger smiley - laugh

Be gentle with my yeti..he's a gret big wussy really smiley - winkeye I'd bring him over to you but you'd have all your cats kidnapped! I've never known someone so soft on them smiley - doh

Feeling less gungy this morning..hopefully this'll bemy last bad cold! I refuse to just sit about again today though..n the urge to go back t bed is strong..tink illhave some brekkkie n clean out the fridge

Diary of a non smoker

Post 154


Sorry VV didn't see you there !

'rubs sleep from eyes'

This CBT stuff does seem to do thetrick..i onlyhad 10 fagsbetween midnight monday n midnight ast night ,which even with a patch is pretty miraculous for me smoking everytime i fee i want to!
Today aswell as the nurd poemon having a fag i have to stopbefore hand..think what the trigger is thats making mewant it, then tell that trigger not tobother next time cos i wont listen! as forcefully as possible smiley - biggrin

Diary of a non smoker

Post 155


I should be around late friday, and on saturday and sunday, Genie.

YAY!! smiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - tongueout

Diary of a non smoker

Post 156


thats it im definately never taking you round there if youre gonna start licking her cats! smiley - yikes

smiley - laugh

Diary of a non smoker

Post 157


awwww smiley - tongueout

Diary of a non smoker

Post 158


poor old things wouldn't be very amused smiley - tongueout

Diary of a non smoker

Post 159


My cat would love it! smiley - rofl Would make a change from her dribbling all over people! smiley - catsmiley - drool

I would love to have you all over for dinner one day!

Perhaps we could do a good ol' Sunday Roast?....smiley - drool

J hasn't met Mr Yeti yet, it would be lovely for us to get together and have a good chinwag! I'm sure H would appreciate having a friend to fight with for a couple of hours smiley - winkeye

Diary of a non smoker

Post 160


If you're cooking I'm eating smiley - droolsmiley - drool

not a huge fan of roasts hough..

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