This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Diary of a non smoker

Post 161


What would you like instead? Spag Bol? smiley - drool

With some Garlic bread with Cheese? Home made of course...smiley - biggrin

What does the Yeti eat? smiley - bigeyes

Remember this is a public site....smiley - winkeye

Diary of a non smoker

Post 162


pretty much anything edible smiley - laugh

spag bol sounds smiley - drool

Diary of a non smoker

Post 163

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Remember...when you feel the urge...hold your breath.

Diary of a non smoker

Post 164


VV, Last time I did that I *still* ended up pregnant....smiley - winkeye

Diary of a non smoker

Post 165

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

*roars with laughter* smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

*wipes tears from eyes*

Genie...please don't say things like that at this time of the morning...It's still early you know!

Diary of a non smoker

Post 166


Never too early for smut I say! smiley - winkeye

Diary of a non smoker

Post 167


Its never too early for smut smiley - biggrin

i'll eat most things smiley - winkeye, roast or spag bol sounds nice smiley - drool

Diary of a non smoker

Post 168


I have to give in to the urge and smoke when I feel like one for the first few days of this programme I'm on. smiley - ok

Ended up gping back to bed cos Ifelt really wobbly again smiley - ill n just had the weirdest nightmare involving candles,kenneth williams and being set on fire! smiley - erm

Diary of a non smoker

Post 169


Disturbing smiley - yikes

Diary of a non smoker

Post 170


he was the devil y' was actually rather scary!

Diary of a non smoker

Post 171


smiley - yikes

That doesn't sound very nice!

Diary of a non smoker

Post 172


serves me right for sleeping instead of cleaning the fridge smiley - laugh

Diary of a non smoker

Post 173


Yay no bizarre dreams last night.. stillnot sleeping terribly wellthough smiley - erm though im not coughing anywhere near as much....cue cough smiley - doh
Off back to CAMS to see this therapist lady on my own today..she starts seeing Jo next wednesday..must pick up this weeks patches too.
only 12fags yeserday (from midnight to midnight)n i didnt spend themajority of the day asleep! This deprogramming seems to be working. Today i have to add relaxation and distraction techniques ..with lots of positive reinforcement of course so you alll have to tell me i'm fabulous n wonderful lot smiley - tongueout

Diary of a non smoker

Post 174


mmm toasted cheese sarnie with no side order of fag ash smiley - drool

Diary of a non smoker

Post 175


'jumps around waiting for the flattery to commence'

smiley - tongueout

Diary of a non smoker

Post 176



Diary of a non smoker

Post 177

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

the lack of sleep and intense dreams are usual of nicotine withdrawal, this is common, and will pass within about 3 weeks, just hang in there smiley - angel, your body needs to adjust to being in a 'normal' state

smiley - ponysmiley - ponysmiley - pony

Diary of a non smoker

Post 178


You can do it smiley - smileysmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddlesmiley - smoochsmiley - smooch

Diary of a non smoker

Post 179

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

On the 19th of July I had given up smoking for 21 years. It was a fight, I'm telling no lies. Every year when I make up the diary with birthday dates I write on the 19th July ???years without cigs. The feeling of pleasure it gives adding a number on every year is very good. I did it at first to see how long I could do it for, and like smoking, giving up became a habit. It was a struggle. But it can be done, and if you are determined enough you will do it. You've got to want to do it, but you will. Sleepless nights, strange dreams are fleeting. You can and you will. You are stronger than some plant, a weed growing between cracks in rocks.
smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle

Diary of a non smoker

Post 180


Keep going moo bags!! smiley - tongueout

smiley - biggrin

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