This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Diary of a non smoker

Post 61


Today is my last day as a smoker smiley - yikes
Getting nervous but also just want to get on with it!

Diary of a non smoker

Post 62


Been n got my patches , got my sweeties to suck and have had a big bar of choc waved at me for when i get through tomorrow... getting 'really' nervous! smiley - yikes

Diary of a non smoker

Post 63

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - cuddle goodluck smiley - zen Like Roymondo I've got to get myself in more a wanting to quit mode before I ever try smiley - erm though by the sound of it I'm a prety light smoker really smiley - ermsmiley - dohsmiley - goodluck

Diary of a non smoker

Post 64


Its the added asthma thats mademy chest as bad as it is.. you are still a pretty heavy smoker.

Had my last fag about 10 pm ,can't get to sleep cos of my cold (blocked up cold etc) so im chewing through the sweets!

Diary of a non smoker

Post 65


It's 3.47am and I find myself wanting a fag. Terrible really as the reason I'm still awake though desperately tired is the sodding cough with this cold!

Diary of a non smoker

Post 66

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - cuddlesmiley - goodluck well, I smoke ten or twelve a day pretty much, though I'l demolish a packet or two if I'm out drinking smiley - alesmiley - dohsmiley - cuddlesmiley - goodluck

Diary of a non smoker

Post 67


Still not had a fag smiley - smiley want one though! just have to keep reminding myself why I 'don't' want them ..and Ged's thrown everything smoking related here away anyway!
This cough/cold/whatever it is is making me feel miserable..can't sleep but so damn tired..smiley - yawn

Diary of a non smoker

Post 68


take a glass o water smiley - cheers

ill have to do with smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - evilgrin

Diary of a non smoker

Post 69


I'll have another lemsip in a bit

Diary of a non smoker

Post 70

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Can I give you a little hint San?

When you're craving for a fag...hold your breath for as long as you can (limited with your lungs, I know).

It tricks the brain into thinking you've had a fag because there is more carbon-dioxide in your blood stream and this is the same when you have a fag too.

I know I'm not one to talk about giving up...but I day.

Diary of a non smoker

Post 71


I've heard otherssay that too (about breath holding) so will give it a try!Not really had a proper bad craving yet,just keep going to reach for them n then getting frustrated when i remember theres none there..

Diary of a non smoker

Post 72

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

It's the habit you need to kick...not the craving

Diary of a non smoker

Post 73

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Just wanted to wish you all the best with stopping smoking.smiley - hug

Remember, you're not actually giving anything up except a nasty filthy habit which makes you smell, feel and taste bad!smiley - yuk

As I have no willpower, I'm impressed with anyone who gives it a go. I'm still one of those people with a nasty, filthy habit who smells, feels and tastes bad!

Diary of a non smoker

Post 74

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - bigeyessmiley - blushsmiley - doh

Diary of a non smoker

Post 75

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

OK, except 2legs who, although he smokes, does not smell, feel or taste bad!smiley - biggrin

Diary of a non smoker

Post 76

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - biggrinsmiley - bigeyessmiley - blush I do hate the smell of stale tobacco smiley - yuk

Diary of a non smoker

Post 77

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

One upside of stopping smoking, just think of the money you'll save on plug-in airfresheners!!!!

I hate stale tobacco smells as well!smiley - yuk

Diary of a non smoker

Post 78


Still going smiley - puff

Don't feel as bad as I thought I would at all. Have only had one really bad craving,started crying! earlier soon passed though when I thought about something else.Despite being ill I'm already feeling a bit more alert and brighter , the colours coming back in my hands n feet too (can be a bit blue)
my only real worry is that all my willpower will vanish n I'll crack once Ged leaves for home on monday n I'm back to my own devices as it were..

Diary of a non smoker

Post 79

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Oo you can do it smiley - zensmiley - cuddle

Diary of a non smoker

Post 80


I hope so smiley - biggrin

My treat tonight for going a whole day is a big bar of dairy milk with turkish delight filling smiley - drool and If I'm rid of this tickly cough tomorrow we're gonna go see land of the dead.

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