This is the Message Centre for caleb16

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Post 61

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Caleb16 (if you don't mind saying, why don't you use a spellchecker? Really, you need one. Also I'd like to know. And it might help us read your comments more fully if they were easier to understand.) and Josh; you reckon homosexuality is wrong, a sin. Apparently it is not a correct, natural use of the 'gift of lust' (surely that's a sin too?) Homosexuality is a product of broken homes, single parents, improper uprbringing, lack of faith, peer pressure (I can honestly say, I've never heard that one before) and misplaced contempt.
Well, here's a conundrum for you. I'm bisexual... tell me about my home life. Did I have one nice and one abusive parent? Do I hate both sexes? Was I brought up in the wild by, say, zebras?
Nope... I'm from a nuclear family with two children, one of either sex. I was brought up with an open attitude to religion and just about everything else, namely, if it doesn't bother you personally let it go; I have friends of both sexes in just about equal measure. (When I was 16 I reckoned I was straight too, btw- people change. Drastically, sometimes... but in my case it was more indifference than a specific choice.) So, I suppose your social-engineering arguments fall quite flat, no? Also, you might like to consider that only 33% of families are now nuclear, despite what Kellogg's tell us.
I don't seem to fit into any of your categories. I can have friends of both sexes that I don't find attractive in the sexual sense; neither do I wish to accost all and sundry, as you suggest your cousin did. I found it really sad that you had such a lowly opinion of this cousin of yours- he trusted and valued your opinions enough to tell you something as big and scary as that; this trust was clearly misplaced and certainly not valid. Did it ever occur to you that secrets are best in quiet? I only know one person who made a big show of coming out (stood on a table, in fact. Big of him.) but mostly we're scared of attitudes like yours.
But then you'd probably say that bisexuality doesn't exist. I'm either a) pretending, to 'get in' with the homo-chic crowd; b) unable to face up to being a lesbian, and wanting to get in with the conservative Christian crowd; c) from space, where things are different. Looking forward to your explain-away-ation...
btw. please explain in one sentence why your religion seemingly precludes tolerance.

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Post 62


hey ste theese people are prohibited from haveing intercourse and can therefore not hava a "bisexual child"

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Post 63


i agree with two bit. the klan has the right to have an oponion and they also have a right to express their oponion. but the go about it the wrong way. they think that violece solves everything. they need to do something like this. just sit down and go to a website and talk to eachother civaly(with the exception of some). but for some members of the klan the thought of practicing self control would kill them and they would become more hostile.

does anyone know what happened to my personal space?

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Post 64


i have to jump in here. paul did not come up with the laws of christianity. i'm not saying that he was wrong all the time but i am saying that thiswas never taught by jesus christ. in fact quite the contrary was taught. jesus commanded several women out into the worl to "tell the good news"(ie marry magdiline) so this just may be a rule that paul came up with for that time perod.

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Post 65


'hey ste theese people are prohibited from haveing intercourse and can therefore not hava a "bisexual child"'

smiley - laugh I love the way you deal with this caleb16: "this cannot happen, see?" smiley - laugh

a) She was not a nun at the time of conception, and b) the catholic priest guy became an anglican priest. I was simply demonstrating that this bisexual person came from a christian, secure and loving family.

smiley - cheers to Queex! smiley - biggrin Well said. Could you dig out that reference for me? Sorry to be a pain but it sounds interesting. smiley - ok

caleb16, your personal space was moderated (censored) by h2g2 because either its offensive content or someone complained about it.

Stesmiley - earth

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Post 66

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Hi Ste... the book is actually mine, Queex likes to purloin my bookshelf. It's 'Biological Exuberance' by Bruce Bagemihl, includes just about every species etc. one by one, with pictures. Excellent resource.

caleb- I don't understand, are you saying I don't exist? is that why you've not replied?

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Post 67


Mandragora, Queex and Ste a big hello and thank you. Its good to see some intelligent debate on this topic.

Caleb & Josh, I know you are both young and are trying to put your feelings and ideas into words and it can be really difficult at times (it was for me when I was in my late teens) but that does not excuse rudeness I'm afraid. Further, I don't know what your gripe with spellchecking is Caleb, but it would really help all the rest of us to make sure we have followed your arguments if the spelling was clearer.

Finally, it would also help if you at least tried to answer the questions that people have asked; they do so because they would like to try to understand where you guys are coming from on this topic.

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Post 68

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

smiley - cheers and smiley - cake

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Post 69


You were in Back to the Future? Cor.

Thanks for the reference smiley - cheers.

I find intensly frustrating when you raise a good point only to have it ignored. But, I have learned that with homophobes and other bigots it usually means that they haven't got a leg to stand on and the only way that they can deal with the clear destruction of their argument is to pretend it doesn't exist. Treat as some kind of compliment. smiley - winkeye

Stesmiley - earth

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Post 70

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

smiley - smiley
True... true... but having spent a lot of time in the vicinity I am now missing a leg and one hand, so I will now sleep and see if in the morning they have regained visibility.

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Post 71

Geoff Taylor - Gullible Chump

"...Mandragora, Queex and Ste a big hello and thank you. Its good to see some intelligent debate on this topic..."

Now I'm going to cry.

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Post 72

Geoff Taylor - Gullible Chump

"...paul did not come up with the laws of christianity..." - yes he did, or why elese are his teachings in the Bible?

You don't believe the Bible now, Caleb? Just exactly what do you believe, and why can't you produce an intelligent response to any of the arguments raised?

Here's another question for you. How come bigotry is so often accompanied by idiocy?

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Post 73

Researcher 177704

Because bigotry *is* idiocy

smiley - rocket

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Post 74


It's a pity that these 'Born again Christians'(so called) can't follow the simple rules as laid down by the founder of their religion.
1. Judge not and you will not be judged.
2. Condemn not and you will not be condemned.
3. Forgive and you will be forgiven.
4. Give and it will be given to you.

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, prey for those who abuse you. To him who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from him who takes away your coat do not withhold your shirt. Give to every one who begs from you and of him who takes away your goods, do not ask them again. And as you wish that men would do to you, do so to them.

Good Buddhist teachings to be found in Luke 6.

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard

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Post 75

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

'Born Yesterday Christians', surely.

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Post 76

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

The klans comepete for membership just like any other group. There's a lot of it on the web. They're really not very important. There are far more dangerous and credible organizations. The klan is a joke made worse because everyone focuses on them. Find a klan rally with more kaln members than FBI agents and couter protestors and I'll be very surprised.

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Post 77


alji, the bible says in mathew "go ye therefore and make deciples baptising them in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit."
this means that we as christians should try to bring as many people to the lord as we can. those who just sit quietly and don't even try to save the "lost sheep" are still christians but they are christians to bennifit themselves and don't realy love christ they wan't to stay out of hell. josh and i try to help others to see the light. i admit that we sometimes get caught up with our emotions and what we say could be taken offenceively. but let it be said and noted that on the day of your death and if you are not a christian you will go to hell.
thats tight eternal damnation. i guarntee it will be horribale

to those who have been wondering about my "spell check protest" here it is. i beleive that the spell checker is another way we get the machines to think for us so we don't have to i don't use it because if we can't think for ourselves we are not realy human are we? so what i do is i just spell as closely as possible for a informal thing like this. i also have decited not to use a calculator any more.

rocket man

you sounded offended by this right? no. you couldn't have been offended by this. you never gasped with suprise or anger at my comments. you didn't make a disgusted face while you typed this. you didn't become angry or upset you just smiled and went on typeing, right? no no. not you who whole heartedly suports homosexuality. you didn't get offended at all i must be reading this wrong over and over again

Ross- welcome, i have noticed your sexual prefrence and will try to keep from saying things that will offend you. even though yo may not agree with some of the things we say know this, you are among friends.

no i haven't replied because i don't have axcess to a computer outside of school. i apoligise for being so steriotypical. i just assumed that when ste said this he was drunk with too much smiley - ale your existance id noted and again i am sorry

no, paul was a teacher of the gospel not the founder of the religion. he only taught to the church of the corinth what jesus had taught.i don't hava a bible handy right now but i will get back to you with a specific refrence.

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Post 78

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Ta, Caleb. smiley - smiley ooh, recognition...
(Wonder who else is currently watching 'The truth about gay animals'?)

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Post 79


So, um, you have refused to address my posts because you thought I was drunk whilst typing them? What an imaginitive way of avoiding challenging your foolish opinions. Well done.

Caleb16, "FYI", you'd know when I'm drunk, I'd spell like you. smiley - laugh

Stesmiley - earth

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Post 80

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

I don't believe in Hell, tho'. And since the best definition of 'soul' seems to be like that of 'mind', i.e. a non-physical construct made up of feelings, experience (and poss. electricity smiley - winkeye what my soul believes in ain't Hell. So even when I'm there, I won't believe it... and thus it will manifest itself! hurrah. Or maybe because I'm non-specific Pagan and believe in that sort of afterlife, that'll be Hell. (Hell for Fundamentalist Christians, anyway.) Fine with me! Anyway, average Christians over here- i.e. those who take the Church of England as all present and correct- aren't supposed to believe in it as a physical state as that aspect has been officially abolished. It is now a mental state instead. Well, one must trust their opinion, since after all they're in the business.
Personally I like to believe that whatever you believe in, will happen to you. Plenty of people already live in their own subjective reality anyway... sad to say... hence, I know at least one thoroughly unpleasant (and gay!) Catholic who believes he'll be punished with eternal damnation. Now, I reckon he deserves it for being a rotter, but basically all that matters is he expects it to happen. You wouldn't like examples like him in your Heaven, would you now? I doubt you'd want me either. I'm not for converting.

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