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Post 101


You wrote;
>CAPTIAL PUNISHMENT: the bible says do unto others as you should have them do unto you and an eye for an eye there for if you kill then you should be killed reguardless of race gender or mental skills

The Bible also says 'Thou shalt not kill.', it does not say unless there is some extenuating circumstance.

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard

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Post 102

Geoff Taylor - Gullible Chump

"....of cours what you think constitutes fun is getting drunk cursing up a storm and haveing sex with three girls and four guys you've never met before...." - Oh to be 18 again smiley - biggrin

Caleb - I was making a joke. Like the one above. You see, I was very devout when I was 18 and have never actually taken part in those activities. It's a little joke. I'm a stand-up comedian, so I know about jokes. They say that Americans don't know irony, but most Americans I perform to know it just fine. I assume you're gonna need to look "irony" up in the dictionary.

Tell me true, Caleb; have you been ignoring my argument for a reason, or are you just unable to answer the point? Come on, son. Suck it up, don't try to sidetrack the question, take a deep breath and give me an answer. Then I can make another point, and the debate can continue. That's how it works.

(Great smiley - sadface We start off talking about faith, and now I've got to explain the concepts of irony and structured debate to a child whose higher brain functions aren't in evidence. smiley - sadface )

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Post 103


smiley - laughs at Geoff

smiley - cheers

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Post 104

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

smiley - cheers to Geoff also... but is't really worth it? we're just debating amongst ourselves anyway.
smiley - winkeye

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Post 105

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

I'm waiting for caleb16's next barrage of posts. Then we can get cracking again.

I just realised that to a certain extent, everyone who constructs an argument in this sort of context is really trying to 'convert' the other side, if not why post? This is not necessarily a bad thing, because if you were so secure and smug in your opinion and didn't wish it to spread you would go and live in a closed community and try not to encounter anyone with opposing views. I think the critical aspect of these kinds of arguments is how the different sides try to put their point across.
I can respect someone wishing to seat their beliefs in a holy book, but I can try and persuade them to pay closer attention to it or emphasise different areas.

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Post 106


honestly geoff i've not yet come up with a rebutal to your last question, or maby i don't understand what you are asking

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Post 107


/i'd rather you don't refer to us as fundamentalists. this implies that we are the same as the "islamic fundamentalists" who were responceable for the 9/11 atacks. i have never commited a terrorist act and don't appreciate being classifyed with them.

oh and i'm going away for a few days so don't waist space wondering where i am

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Post 108

Geoff Taylor - Gullible Chump

You don't know what I'm asking? OK...words of one syllable, (except the word "Bible").

The bible is the Word of God. Yes or No?
If yes, is all of it the Word of God? Yes or No?
If no, there is no base for your faith, for you can not pick and choose which bits you like.
If yes, then you tell girls to wear hats in church and keep their mouths shut just as it says in the Bible, 'coz what Paul wrote is in the Bible, and so it is the Word of God. If the girls can talk, then the gays can be gay. You can't pick and choose.

I have used big words in my past posts, but I hope that my small words help you get what I say.

Oh, and I think the word "fundamentalist" fits some Christians perfectly. People who believe a dry, inconsistent old book and condemn other people because of it. You don't want to be lumped together with Islamic fundamentalists? Then stop being as blind and bigotted as they are.

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Post 109


You are a religious fundamentalist I'm afraid caleb16. I'm glad you recognise the problems that Islamic fundamentalism can bring, Christian fundamentalists present the same problem.

The two are one in the same thing. How does it feel to have an affinity with Bin Laden? smiley - laugh

Is there a solution to religious fundamentalism? I can't think of one. smiley - headhurts Who knows?

Stesmiley - earth

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Post 110


The dictionary definition of "fundamentalism", from Recognise anything here caleb16?:


[Copyright material removed by Moderator]

n : the interpretation of every word in the Bible as literal truth

smiley - laughsmiley - tongueout

Stesmiley - earth

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Post 111

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Ah... but of course, they're Islamic and therefore hellbound too.

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Post 112


Since when have dictionary definitions been copyright material?

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard

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Post 113

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

Since they realised they could get away with doing so, I think.

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Post 114



I quoted the source and gave a link. What else do you have to do?

[Expletives removed by modertor]

Stesmiley - earth

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Post 115


geoff, i don't konw the answer to your question, i understand what you are asking, but i don't have an answer. i'll have to speek with my pastor on this subject, i don't know, mabe the women are in the wrong for speeking.

one question that i would like to ask of all of you who support homosexuality.......... WHAT ABOUT INCEST, IS IT OK TO MAKE LOVE TO YOUR SISTER?, WHY OR WHY NOT???


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Post 116


Bin Caleb,

Incest is wrong because she is you sibling. A member of your family. It is unwise and harmful biologically and socially. Homosexuality is neither.

The only harm that comes about due to homosexuality is due to religious fundamentalists like yourself.


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Post 117


"you sibling" = "your sibling"

smiley - headhurts

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Post 118



What about Adam and Eve, Mr. Biblical Literalist? Their children *must* have interbred to populate the Earth right?

smiley - doh

Stesmiley - earth

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Post 119

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

-Incest: a personal choice. There is no predestination for making love to your siblings.
Homosexuality: despite what you would have us believe, Caleb dear, not a chosen lifestyle. Same as hair colour or height in that respect, only unlike them it's not alterable.
-Incest: involves the rest of your family too, since it's their siblings/children involved, and we should honour our fathers and mothers, should we not?
Homosexuality: a personal choice and none of your damn business.
-Incest: psychologically unbalancing. For those involved and others.
Homosexuality: ok, can be also, but only to a) fools who have a problem with it, which they are welcome to IMHO; and b) those who cannot live with themselves i.e those who are closeted and, unfortunately, married... usually this is the fault of someone else's unreasonable prejudices tho, which again is their problem.
-Incest: banned by law because of difficulties should any children ensue. Just look at most of the major European ruling families of the past to see the unpleasant results.
Homosexuality: banned by law, until recently (here anyway...) because of outdated attitudes. Obviously, children cannot result from this! and thus not be 'tainted' by any gay germs or anything. If a same-sex couple have children, at least one of them won't be involved. Of course, you'd disagree and say that there must be one parent of each sex to bring up a child correctly- otherwise it'll turn out gay, right? that's what Josh implied. As long as there's love, trust and mutual respect involved, I see no problems here. These qualities are missing in many decent God-fearing Christians' marriages, btw. But you'd like to conveniently overlook that fact.
Of course, if someone was making love to their sister, that's their business. There's far more problems to overcome than with being gay, in this case there are reasons for this. However if there was no way offspring could be produced then there's no real problem for anyone outside the family- and they're not really going to admit to what they're doing.
So we needn't worry.

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Post 120

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

sorry Ste, missed you there. Slow browser day.
Yes! What about Adam & Eve?

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