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until just recently i was a homophobe. i've got to thinking,do we as heterosexuals go after any woman? i guess it is a sort of self centered vanity. we tell ourselves that we would be irristable to even homosexuals. i am guilty of hearing that someone is gay and sudenly clearing the area around the person. some of you may have read my article homosexuality& christianity. i realize that it is almost nothing but homophobic remarks. now don't get me wrong, i dont agree with the practice of homosexuality. but i try not to harm them with violence. i realize the ridicule i put them through in the past won't help them to "go straight", it may only lead to self hatred and sometimes even suicide.i beleive as a christian i should try to convert them to heterosexuals, sort of bring the lost lamp back to the coments before about homosexuals all going to hell is not in any way bibicaly true. i as a baptist beleive in once saved always saved. this means that if you accept jesus christ as your savior you will go to heven reguardless of your actions. but i do beleive tha th lord will hold you accountable for your sins. this means that you will have to confess your sins in the eyes of god himself no matter who you are. i also believe that all sins are equally wrong weather you kill someone or steal a peanut at Homeland. i also beleive that the sins that you asked to be forgiven of will be stricken from the list of the sins your held accountable for, and if you don't think it's wrong then you won't ask to be for given of it right,i don't know the reprocussions for the sins you are held acountable for but i'm sure it taqkes away from the bliss of heaven. well it apears that i have turned a article about homophobia into the article i should have writen about homosexuality and christianity in the first place

please forgive the spelling,i refuse to use spell check as a protest but thats another article.

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