This is the Message Centre for Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1381

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Well I'd have to say that borders on a possitive response. Thanks for the Cheer. I'm back. Although I had to wait until today at 5:30 CDT It was worth it. I even hooked it up myself. So if everythink goes dead in a minute I'll be confirmed on my computer knowledge or lack ther of. smiley - smiley

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1382

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Michele... save SOME of that leftover HALLOWEEN candy for brekkie!!! Really!!! smiley - winkeye

smiley - hug

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1383

Evil Roy: Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra, Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause, Prince of Balwyniti, Aussie Researchers A59204

Candy???? For breakfast?????

It'd ruin the taste of the pizza!

smiley - hug

smiley - cheerssmiley - musicalnote

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1384

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Nah... candy for brekkie is way better than pizza.

I can't do pizza in the morning... well, not til at least 10:30... smiley - winkeye sometimes 11 is my lunchtime...!!!

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1385

Evil Roy: Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra, Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause, Prince of Balwyniti, Aussie Researchers A59204

Wash your mouth out!!!! Pizza is the *only* acceptable breakfast food, it compliments the smiley - ale quite nicely.

smiley - winkeyesmiley - musicalnote

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1386

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

I agree with ERsmiley - cheers

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1387

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Okay - so I'll just have to make everyone happy smiley - biggrin

Looks like it will be:

Cold pizza, warm smiley - ale & smiley - choc for breakfast!!! smiley - drool

Now THAT'S a breakfast of champions! smiley - laugh

*note to self - buy more antacids!*

smiley - winkeye

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1388

Evil Roy: Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra, Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause, Prince of Balwyniti, Aussie Researchers A59204

smiley - yikes "warm smiley - ale"........


smiley - run

smiley - winkeyesmiley - musicalnote

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1389

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Well, I can't have cold pizza AND cold smiley - alesmiley - cross I'll get "brain freeze"!! smiley - smiley

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1390

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Drink Slowly Michele

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1391

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

smiley - laugh

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1392

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

smiley - biggrin

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1393

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

I had Chocolate Milk and three leetle Snickers bars for brekkie today!!! smiley - smiley

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1394

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

I was a good girl this morning...

I had ham, eggs & cheese in a low-carb tortilla wrap, with a cup of cappucino. Then I had some toasted pumpkin seeds (ranch flavored!) and an ice cream sandwich for a snack!

smiley - tongueout

Okay - so I was doing good up until the ice cream sandwich... smiley - whistle

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1395

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Awww.... it's ok!!!

Life is for living!!! If it was for depriving, it'd be called deprife!!! And it's not!!!

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1396

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Happy New Years Girl I hope all comes your way that you want. You know I like you and concider you a Great person and Friend. If there is anything I can do to make oyur New Years better I would gladly do so. Yet I have to w*rk so it will have to wait until tomorrow morningsmiley - sorry. No lie in the year to come I want to be your friend so unless you tell me to bugger off. I will remain your friend.
Gee I hope no one sees this perhaps I should have made a new conversation on your page. Oh well if it does'nt bother you, Ill be ok about it. Toodles Lass. Heres a smiley - hug forsmiley - goodluck for the new year.smiley - hug You would have even better luck if...... well I want go there Lass.smiley - biggrin
smiley - bubblysmiley - stoutsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - ale and a smiley - kiss for NEW YEARS

Toodles Girl

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1397

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Woohoo! Someone found my fanclub again! smiley - biggrin

smiley - bigeyes

smiley - erm


Can you show me where it is again? I think I misplaced it... smiley - blush

smiley - winkeye

Thanks for the lovely sentiment Kid! smiley - hug Of course I consider you a friend! smiley - biggrin

Now, about helping me find my fanclub again... I know it's around here somewhere... smiley - whistle

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1398

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

OOO!!! I found it!!! Look!!!!

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1399

Evil Roy: Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra, Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause, Prince of Balwyniti, Aussie Researchers A59204

It's over here, near the bar...... smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheerssmiley - musicalnote

Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

Post 1400

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

But it's here where I am, too!!!! Near the window!!! They always sit the cute people by the window!!! It's good for business!!!! smiley - silly

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Michele`s Fan Club - Free fans (one per customer please!)

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