This is the Message Centre for Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 41

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

That McLurcher's is the thing. l say.
smiley - cheers PS

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 42

Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing

Well... I'll give it a go then smiley - cheers

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 43


*brings KID his freshened up McLurchers and offers one to PS*
definitely a perfect drink.. smiley - cheers

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 44


Glad you like it smiley - biggrin

By the time the Hootoo Pub crawl reaches my place on the 6th, I hope to be able to offer an extra strong version, McLurchers Celebration Malt. Aged an extra five years in the cask, it is something of a conversation stopper smiley - winkeye

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 45

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

Thank You Dear, l'l fetch the next round. Need to get any way sooner or later. hahahahaha lf you like you can sit with us.
smiley - dogsmiley - pirate

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 46


the kind of drink that messes with the synapses, eh? smiley - wow

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 47


*sits down with KID and the group, carefully adjusting the HT*
Thank you. smiley - smiley

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 48

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

*sits down with an smiley - ale*

No scotch for me thank you - never really developed a taste for it or whiskey. Although - I havn't tried it lately - so maybe I'll like it now. smiley - ok

You know - your taste buds regenerate over a 7 year period. So every 7 years your tastes change... Hmmm... I wonder how that would effect one's taste in the opposite sex... that would be a very interesting research project! smiley - biggrin

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 49


guess that would depend on... smiley - blush oh never mind.. smiley - devilsmiley - biggrin

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 50

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

Just sit tight and someone will come along.
smiley - dogsmiley - pirate

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 51

Candi - now 42!

Did I hear Laphroiag mentioned? Is there any left? smiley - tongueout<--drooling!

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 52

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Oh oh... someone get the mop - Candi's drooling again! smiley - laugh

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 53

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

See, I told you Plastic Squirrel would come along at the smell of Laphroigsmiley - winkeye
and now Candi a person with a refined palate has come.smiley - ok
::sniffs the Laphroig::
mmm, can't decide what appeals most, the high iodine or the dead sheep.
smiley - vampire

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 54


In 1847, Mr Johnson, the founder of the Distillery, died after falling into a vat of partially-made whisky.
Probably still traces.......smiley - winkeye

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 55

Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing

Lucky Bsmiley - bleeprd!

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 56

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* now that people are drinking decides it is safe to come in *

Hello everyone smiley - hug

* gives Michele a beautifly wrapped box *

Did someone mention a research project into changing our taste in men - I am up for that - what do I have to do! Would it mean eventually I chose a good and tastey one?

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 57

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Exactly! Any flavor you want! smiley - ok

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 58


smiley - bigeyes Ooohhh!! With sprinkles???

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 59

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

And whipped cream! smiley - biggrin

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 60


Oooh!! I get the ch.. smiley - erm never mind.. smiley - biggrin

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