This is the Message Centre for Evangeline

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 161


If the lactose is the problem then a simple lactase supplement should help. White sushi rice is not as refined as other white rices.

My problem with simple carbohydrates is hypoglycemia. We tried the Eat Right 4 Your Type diet. According to that book, only blood type AB benefits from eating wheat. I gave up wheat entirely for a year. During that year my carpal tunnel problems weren't as bad, the ganglion cyst on my left hand drained on its own and it was a lot easier to keep my blood sugar stable for several days in a row.

Since then I've changed positions at the store and made a few other changes to my life. I can't say how much since then has simply been from changing my diet.

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 162

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Ah, so unrefined or less-refined rice may be the way to for the milk thing... smiley - huh I'm not sure, yogurts not a problem & I routinely use sour cream in sauces. I think it's just a matter of limiting/minmizing consumption...however it would be nice to know exactly what I should be avoiding.

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 163


White basmati rice is quite nice, mild and aromatic. The unrefined rices are more complex carbohydrates. They also contain fiber and the vitamins that are polished away in the refining.

The fermenting changes the structure of milk. Yogurt doesn't bother me, but whole milk does. There are other things in milk to which you might be sensitive, such as casein(milk protein).

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 164

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Yes I'd heard a few times now about the refining process removing vitamins & fiber. Actually basmati rice is a rice I've always enjoyed in terms of its aroma. smiley - smiley

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 165


Basmati rice smells a bit like popcorn. Brown rice figured so prominently in our store's lunch menu that I'm sure I have cooked a ton of the stuff. Still don't miss working in the kitchen.
smiley - smiley

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 166

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

No nightmares about being chased by a giant grain of brown rice? smiley - winkeye (Couldn't resist that one.)

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 167


I usually had enough nightmares during the day, to not be bothered at night.

One morning as I walked across the parking lot, I heard a bird that was chirping distinctly different from the others. Then it occurred to me what it was... It was a mockingbird, mocking the timers we use in the kitchen and bakery. smiley - laugh
smiley - smiley

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 168

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - laughsmiley - laugh Sorry about the delay hun was eating some supper (leftover curried spinach/lentil/onion curry with a piece of whitefish fillet...settled for pita bread last time I was shopping)& sending an e-mail just now.

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 169

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hmm, "curried...curry", is that like those double smiley - choc brownies? smiley - laugh

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 170


I just spent the better part of an hour rearranging the GuideML on my page. The Campsite now has a customized banner and badge. Since I'm the Campsite Manager, I figured I had better put the badge on my page.

Those timers start off soft... beep...beep...beep...then get progressively louder and faster to BEEP!BEEP!BEEP! The bird had it perfect too. smiley - laugh

A friend once dared me to make a dessert with as much smiley - choc as possible. The chocolate mousse pie, with a chocolate cookie crust, chocolate chips, cocoa whipped cream, and optional chocolate syrup just about killed the friend. Well, the first two slices were okay...but the third slice was a bit much for them.smiley - winkeye

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 171

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I used to be a vegetarian, back in the days when it was thought that you needed to mix grains with legumes, etc., to get complementary proteins. Nowadays, carbs are being avoided. What I wonder is, how on earth would a person have a low-carb vegetarian diet without loading up on high-fat things like nuts?

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 172


I am not avoiding carbohydrates, just the simple carbohydrates that cause my blood sugar to spike. If I use something like honey or natural sugar, I make sure to eat enough protein as well.

There are a lot of protein sources: Tofu, tempeh, miso, legumes, soy cold cuts(although, I'd really rather not), soy powder, whey, and the soy free veg protein powder I use in smoothies. Spirulina and other green drinks are helpful as well.

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 173

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Peanuts digest very, very slowly. smiley - smiley

They give me less trouble than soy products.

For lunch today, I made Spanish rice. smiley - smiley

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 174


I'll eat peanuts, but I prefer almonds and pecans or even pumpkin seeds.
smiley - smiley

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 175

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I put almonds or walnuts on my breakfast cereal every morning. smiley - drool

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 176


I put pumpkin seeds in my stir fries.
smiley - smiley

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