This is the Message Centre for Evangeline

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 101


Any progress with the Spring Cleaning?
smiley - smiley

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 102

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I don't buy lottery tickets, but I'd be willing to make a deal with the powers that be: If the lottery commission will send someone around to my house to do my spring cleaning for me, I'll buy some lottery tickets. smiley - smiley

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 103


I'd be happier about doing the spring cleaning if I had the winning lottery ticket.
smiley - smiley

I had someone make some bookcases for me. There are several boxes of books stacked in this house(probably enough for a library). I gave him money in December to buy the wood. We worked out the dimensions and specifications, then. He finally finished the first one... and stained it the wrong color.

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 104

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - erm (about the bookshelves)

Well, yes some progress on the spring cleaning...there are those who'd say only negligible progress, but hey you've gotta start somewhere, right? I like the nagging aspect Evangeline, keep after me...uh, you too if you want Paul, the more the merrier as they say! smiley - winkeye

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 105


My spring cleaning would be a lot farther along if these boxes of books had a home... Someone else expressed interest in the set already built. So, if they buy that set then the only problem is how long it will take him to build the other sets for me. It's aggravating that it took this long, and then it was not what I specified. Pecan and Walnut are not the same color.

My grandmother used to constantly clean. She hardly ever sat down for always sweeping or scrubbing. Obviously, I did not inherit that traitsmiley - winkeye. I know what I did inherit from her (her temperment). The sarcasm is from the other side of the family.

I've done three loads of laundry, washed a bunch of dishes, cooked dinner(now, there are more dishes) and there is so much more to do.

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 106

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Right, that Is aggravating that it took this long...& no, Walnut & Pecan certainly aren't the same!

At this point in the day I think I'll just drag my spring cold (which seems to be flaring up smiley - erm )to bed early & see how much I can get done tomorrow. Night all*waves*

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 107


Goodnight smiley - hug
smiley - smiley

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 108


Almost killed my computer last night trying to do a system restore. It is just fine now, but it was close for a while there. Bit of advice: Do not install the software from the broadband internet company, it hi jacks the preferences and home page for IE and windows explorer.

Managed to work out a deal with the carpenter today. He will attempt to build another set of shelves, promptly.

Other than that, I'm still working on a Spring Cleaning.
smiley - smiley

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 109

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Congrats for getting your computer back, & for working out a deal to get another bookshelf made! Yes, the cleaning goes on here too *sigh*.

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 110


Thanks. There was a file not found...NTLDR. Being stubborn, I kept trying to boot from the cd until it found the file. If that had not worked, there are three very similar computers at work from which the file could have been copied.

This time, I get to stain the bookshelves... any color I want. smiley - winkeye

There is a table under this computer. smiley - erm At least, I thought there was...

smiley - hug How was your day, Jazz?
*continues cleaning*

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 111

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

The day has been a good on...just need to be a little more...ok, ok alot more productive.

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 112


Glad to hear it was a good day. smiley - biggrin
*pours another stack of papers into the waste bin while no one is looking*
smiley - smiley

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 113

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

It's been several generations since there has been anyone in my family with a functioning housecleaning gene. smiley - erm There's no one from whom to inherit it, then.

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 114


It isn't exactly a dominant gene in this family.
smiley - smiley

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 115

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Well, on my Mom's side- smiley - erm guess who I take after?

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 116


I'm guessing that you take after the other side... same here.

Apparently, the dominant gene on my father's side of our family is the sarcasm gene.
smiley - smiley
How was your day?
smiley - hug

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 117

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh sarcasm there! smiley - winkeye How 'bout yours hun?

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 118


My day was okay. I had some help with the usual receiving and stocking tasks, so we got a lot done that otherwise wouldn't have happened.
smiley - smiley
smiley - yikes I know there is a Friday lurking on the other side of tomorrow.

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 119

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Yup, it's there alright...sister-in-law's birthday Sat. evening.

Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather

Post 120


Have you gotten a card yet, or are you waiting to the last minute?

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