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Definitely one of *those* days

Post 81

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh was having some hassles, so I shut down, unplugged & got a bite to eat(& got the dishwasher goin')...smooth sailin' now! smiley - winkeye

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 82


I added the CKUA website to my favorites.
Downloads from project gutenberg are a lot faster on this connectionsmiley - biggrin.

*winces*Looks like it's time for a bit of Spring Cleaning...
smiley - smiley

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 83

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh Yes, Definitely time for some considerable spring cleaning!

Can't believe I finally got on the 'net, never mind here to hootoo! Kept incessantly getting a full page "Important Security Notification" (Didn't think to try the McAfee Verification site -Network Associates- my cousin had given me!) & a number of pop-ups, but I seem to have-at least temporarily banished them with the help of my ISP's tech. support!

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 84

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Are you going to change the subject line for this thread, Evangeline?

One of those "days" seems to be running a lot longer than a day. smiley - winkeye
How about week, month, or even life? smiley - biggrin

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 85

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Well, actually Paul wheneveer "one of *those* days" comes up during the entire uneven & always eventful course of human exsistance! smiley - rofl

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 86

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - erm Right "whenever" too.

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 87

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - doh

So you just drop by here whenever one of those days comes up?
I guess that makes sense. smiley - smiley

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 88


Hi Jazz smiley - hug Maybe if you shop the dell website, it will put the fear of silicon hell into your computer...smiley - devil and it will work properly.

Hi Paul smiley - hug
One of those days, is apparently a recurring theme, accompanied by the Twilight Zone music usually.

A long time ago I knew someone who was rather unusual. He was a very witty, intelligent and eccentric young man at the time. Unfortunately, he had the world's worst luck. I'm not particularly superstitious, either. I once asked him what kind of day he had. His reply "Just as awful as the other 380 this year...". I told him there were only 365 days in a year. His answer was "Yeah, but some of them were bad days in such a big way they counted as two.".smiley - winkeye

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 89

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - yikes

I'd hate to be in *his* shoes. smiley - sadface

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 90


I don't know what happened to him after that school year. His family may have had to return to Michigan, suddenly. I never saw him again.

The next school year I moved to the highschool and met a lot of new friends, most of whom were at least one year older, a couple were as much as four years older. One night we were at a pizza place talking about what kind of day we had. One friend says they have the worst luck. Another says "No, I'm sorry you don't...that would be David.". smiley - yikesIt was the same guy. I had inadvertantly ended up in a group of friends that included six of his friends or classmates, only I met them separately from him and each other.

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 91

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - headhurts

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 92


What are the odds that in a new school where I had to make all new friends, with at 200 students per grade I would end up with this guy's best friend and five other close friends?
smiley - smiley

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 93

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I don't think it's all that strange.
You had him as a friend for a reason, which probably means the two of you were on the same wavelength, or had the same vibes. At the new school, you got in with people on the same wavelength, so your new friends would be likely to have been friends with him as well. smiley - smiley

I've heard that the odds are pretty good that if you are on an airplane with 100+ people, all of them strangers, at least one of them will know someone that you know.

Anyone want to play 6 degrees of separation? smiley - winkeye

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 94


Definitely the same wavelength... I still keep in touch with a few of those friends. And, it's been years.

I'll let you know about the airplane thing...

Who we separating by six degrees? smiley - evilgrin
smiley - smiley

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