This is the Message Centre for Evangeline

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 41


smiley - bigeyesI have never put smiley - choc in chili. Which means it's time to make another batch of chili...

My day was ok, better than yesterday. Didn't have much time to do more than pass through here between other tasks.

I'm Cajun enough to know what a Fais Do Do is.smiley - winkeye Beusoleil sounds familiar... probably heard them at some festival or another.

Versions of chili I remember making: Basic ground beef version, basic with vegetables and fresh peppers, chicken version, turkey version, kidney beans and vegetables, black beans and vegetables, black beans not so many vegetables... with a cornbread crust baked on top.

Most of my recipes are really just a list of ingredients. Cooking sort of runs in our family.
smiley - smiley

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 42

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Yeah, my Dad's a chef...well he's retired now, but I guess it's kind of in the genes (& I'm not talkin' about Levi's). smiley - rofl I've tried turkey chili a few times & chicken (numerous variattions)...some with slices of smoked sausage...want to try one with this nice Spicy chicken chorizo sausage I've found!

Ooh, cornbread crust smiley - drool

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 43


If memory serves...
Meatless Black bean chili, seasoned with cilantro, paprika, cayenne, hot peppers, onions, celery, lots of garlic, add carrots, corn, sea salt. Half fill a deep baking dish with chili, pour a cornbread batter over the chili and bake at directed temperature until the crust is solid and golden brown. Cutting the cornbread with a knife before attempting to remove it with a spoon is much easier than just trying to spoon it out of the pan.

If you really like spicy food, and I suspect that you do smiley - winkeye... chopped peppers and garlic can be added to that cornbread batter.
smiley - smiley

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 44

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh, you supect so correctly it's intuitive! smiley - winkeyesmiley - ta for that hun, now if only my oven were better...its pretty weak. I'm thinking there must be some sort of adjustment I can make.

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 45


Among other things, I've been called telepathic. smiley - winkeye
Gas or electric oven?
If you use a metal baking dish, the chili casserole could be baked in a barbecue grill.

How was your day?
smiley - smiley

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 46

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Sorry about the delay, I Was starting one of my ACE's welcoming notes/postings. But I was having trouble attempting to 'Preview' & I seem to have lost it! So I gave up, sent a couple e-mails, made a phone call & watched some TV. I did get back in now though...the day went fairly uneventfully.

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 47


No worries about the delay. Last night the server started acting up, so I left for a while as well.
smiley - smiley

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 48


The suspicious character from the first post has been in our store again, twice.

He came in last Friday: Same time, same cookies and same attitude. Yesterday, I was in the parking lot and saw them drive into the parking spaces on the other side of the building. I went in and informed the manager on duty. The back doors were then locked and everyone moved up to the front. He came in, went towards the back aisle... as soon as I asked "Can I help you?" he turned in mid step, mumbled, grabbed two packs of cookies, paid and left.

I have to say, it is hot enough here this time of year to run the air conditioner most of the day. There is no logical reason for this man to be wearing three shirts and a large, lined jacket, over really big, baggy jeans.

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 49

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hmmm, really makes you wonder, don't it!

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 50


Yeah, kind of weird, isn't it?

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 51

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

In a way, very weird...could he be sun-sensitive & wearing heavier clothing to protect him from sunlight? *grasping at straws*

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 52


No one could be that sun sensitive...except maybe Dracula.
smiley - vampire

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 53

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hey, it was a shot in the dark! smiley - winkeye

How's your day goin' hun? What with the time change, by the time we got the place semi-cleaned up it was almost 5 when I got in this more computer hassles - it informs me its changed the time, but I've got 8:14 pm, & can't seem to change anything except am or pm! *rolls eyes*

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 54


Maybe he is a smiley - vampire.
That's a really late nightsmiley - yikes, I'll bet you were exhausted.

Today was a very quiet Sunday, mostly laundry and preparing for another Monday...*sigh*. How was your day?

Have you tried this to reset the time: Start menu, settings, control panel, regional and language options, Regional, customize, time? My computer clock at home is set to GMT because of all the time I spend on this website.
smiley - hug

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 55

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Just a corny suggestion I couldn't resist*snicker, snicker* time he's in, greet him with "good evening count!"...on 2nd thought better not, no telling what that'd set off! smiley - erm

Well, there was a point last night where I actually had a little 'catnap' sitting on my barstool at the back of the room. They'd added another (7th) performer to the lineup, so it was just before Michael Kaeshammer came on shortly after midnight - if you haven't head of him he's a young (late teens) German immigrant who plays very impressive Boogie Woogie piano - really did some incredible stuff! (After both the nap & then him, I kind of got my 'second wind' least somewhat.)

Will persevere withe computr/time issue...I'd tried the control panel, settings, time/diplay route, but weill try some my cousin if neccessary.

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 56

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - erm

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 57


Count Cookie Monster, perhaps...
That sounds like a night of good musicsmiley - biggrin. Seven performers? I'd have been falling asleep too.

There is an icon for date and time in the control panel menu.

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 58

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Right, oddly it seems to be a "dead end"; it'll let me change time zone, year, month, am or pm...but neither hours our minutes!

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 59

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

And, needless to say, doesn't improve my typing... smiley - winkeye

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 60


Have you tried the up and down arrows?

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