This is the Message Centre for Evangeline

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 1


Woke up early yesterday, left the house on time and even got to work with a few minutes to spare. The morning cashier even got in the door on time, at a few minutes before eight a.m.

I was on the sales floor a bit in the morning restocking. Placed my merchandise order as usual, after noticing a slight problem with the ordering machine. Problem was fixed and the order placed by all three people who order from that company (twice a week on specific deadlines).

After that, I got to spend quite a bit of time under my desk rerouting some wires and bits of computer. The new keyboard works great. It took a mirror, a flashlight, and every bit of patience I could muster to connect the keyboard. And, I had to choose between mouse and barcode scanner for the moment(until we get an adapter to connect both). The computer was co operative, space and cabinetry were being difficult. There are still quite a few things that I need to finish on Monday morning. Oh well, some weeks are like that, I suppose.

There is a situation that has occurred twice before that made some of our staff uncomfortable. To that end, I planned on staying at our store until closing. I did some shopping and planned to read for a while.

The situation is this: A young man wearing very baggy clothes (jeans with lots of pockets, and a huge jacket) has entered our store, spent most of an hour looking around, then left after buying only a bag of cookies. The entire time he was in the store, two other people were waiting outside in the car. Same time on the last two Fridays.

I had just finished paying for my groceries when I noticed someone by the cookie stand. Yes, it was him. When he was approached and asked if he needed help, he almost threw the exact change for the cookies at the cashier and ran out the door. We did get a good look at the car and the license plate number. The police have been called, and a suspicious activity report filed.

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 2

Candi - now 42!

Hello Evangeline smiley - smiley

Hopefully this guy won't be back in your store in a hurry!

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 3


Hi Candi, how have you been? smiley - hug

I think he got the message. smiley - winkeye Not sure I should say how we got the license plate number.

There is a bit more to the suspicious activity: It is too hot here for that kind of clothing. The car was always parked in the old section of the parking lot, almost behind the main building and near the alley betweeen the store and bakery.

Seems very much like they were setting us up for a robbery.

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 4

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Some smiley - thiefsmiley - thief are smarter than others. This one hasn't mastered the art of not attracting attention yet. smiley - erm

Probably the dumbest one ever robbed a bank after applying for a job at the same bank just an hour before the robbery. smiley - biggrin

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 5


That is pretty dumb. Was the information on the application real?smiley - laugh

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 6

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hmm, I hope they weren't "casing the joint" as they say!The police have been notified though & if they start asking questions it might scare the guys off. Let's certainly hope so.

*waved to Candi*

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 7


Hi Jazz.

I'm pretty sure this guy knew he had been spotted. The police have issued us a case number. If we see this guy again, it is my understanding that we are to immediately call the 911 emergency line. This is just all too familiar. smiley - cross
smiley - smiley

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 8

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Well, I certainly hope that if calling 911 is ever necessary, the police can respond quickly enough to nip anything in the bud!

How's your weekend goin' hun? I was celebrating a brother's birthday yesterday, but I'll be getting in my 2nd night of Ruthie Foster very shortly....well, actually just over 3 hours, but we start setting things up an hour before the doors open, then it's another hour uuntil the music starts.

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 9


Thanks, Jazz. By now, the police should know us by name. smiley - winkeye

My weekend is another quiet one. Which is good, considering my weeks aren't so quiet.

Sounds like you're having a nice weekend, a party and another night of smiley - musicalnote Ruthie Foster.smiley - biggrin

I'm planning on doing a bit of writing later, when things settle down a bit.
smiley - smiley

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 10

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Ah smiley - ok, I've got some literary leanigs myself (I'm keeping an ongoing Journal entry -'~music~ '- essentially about goins on at the club (& the odd other music-related happenings.

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 11

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - erm Hit 'Post' instead of 'Preview', but I'm sure you know what I meant!

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 12

Candi - now 42!

Hi Jazz smiley - smiley

I'm fine, Evangeline, but I haven't any exciting news to tell. Except that I may be joining an electronic musicians collective based in a nearby town. I've been asked for a demo, and may be performing at a local arts festival this summer.

I hope the trial happens on time now that it's been moved to May - it'd be a shame if you had to put off your visit till September.

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 13

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I've never Ruthie Fostered in my life. smiley - tongueout

Oops, maybe I shouldn't admit that. smiley - blush

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 14

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

That's ok Paul, I han't until she was here last year! smiley - biggrin

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 15


I can interpret most typos. smiley - ok
I'm mostly writing essays at the moment. The essays might evolve into a work of fiction, not sure where I want to go with them. My journals are a fair indication of my real life, imagine the bits I've left out for one reason or another. Reasons like it happened before this site existed, or it involves other people or it might upset the casual surfer, but not the person who is interested in a particular topic.

Always nice to see you. smiley - hug
The collective, demo and arts festival sound like really worthwhile pursuits. What does membership in the collective entail? Is the demo supposed to be new material?

I would really like to put the whole trial business behind us for good. Can't think of a better way to celebrate than to take a vacation. Especially a vacation that involves a trip to some place I've wanted to visit for quite some time (not admitting why smiley - winkeye). Add to that, there are some people there I'd like to meet.smiley - biggrin

I'll probably have to race the rest of the staff to file the vacation request.smiley - run

I haven't Ruthie Fostered, either.
smiley - smiley

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 16

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

*hands over brick wall*

I need it back soon though, so you can't keep it smiley - winkeye

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 17


Thanks. I'll only need it for a few minutes. smiley - biggrin

*chases suspicious character into brick wall, checks brick wall for damage, replaces a little mortar here and there*

All done. That'll teach 'em. smiley - winkeye
smiley - smiley

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 18

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - rofl

Actually, I use it to bang my head against it when I need to!

I wonder if that's why I'm slightly ?

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 19


If I hit my head on the wallsmiley - headhurts, then I would have a headache. It's much more gratifying to throw the wall, or at least a few bricks smiley - evilgrin at the cause of the aggravation.

smiley - smiley

Definitely one of *those* days

Post 20

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Maybe Pink Floyd can help you dismantle the wall. smiley - whistle

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