Journal Entries

Bizarre day

I've been having a smiley - weird day. Started this morning. Yesterday morning I woke at 2.22 am. last night I went to bed saying I didn't want to wake again at 2.22 am. This morning, I woke, looked at the alarm clock and found it was - yes - 2.22am. It then flicked over quickly to 2.23am. smiley - wow

*You can't afford the luxury of a negative thought* The mind doesn't think in negatives, does it?

Was awake really early and so meditated early. Decided I had time to put the sleeping bag back where it belonged - in the loft and opened the loft hatch and then - bang - the loft ladder flew down and hit me in the face. I had just time to turn my head so it hit me on the side of the face rather than the front. It really hurt.

I put my hand to my head to give it some reiki and phoned for back up. I also took some arnica.

When I got home, I found a letter from One.Tel saying they had declined my application to them, saying they weren't going to tell me why. I've never been turned down for anything before. I think it's either a mistake or they have relied on incorrect information. I was blazingly angry. Not that I want an account now - anyone who treats their customers as they treated me - ignoring my letter, phone calls and e-mails doesn't deserve me as a customer. But it implies that I'm not credit worthy and I'm not having that!

They have really messed me around and I still can't dial out properly. I''m going to write to their regulatory authority and have the whole sorry business investigated. smiley - steam

I'm so annoyed that I've not yet prepared my things for the France trip, which is on now I have my new passport. We're off tomorrow, back late Saturday. smiley - biggrin

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: May 8, 2003

Tax blues

Oh, it gets worse! Noticed that my tax code has altered, which means that despite getting a pay rise, I'm not getting any extra money. Need to fill in a form and tried to do it on-line. Had earlier made an attempt and got nowhere. This time, I was determined. However, I was missing some information, so I went to look for it - right at the end of the process. when I got back, I was timed out! Highly frustrated - all my work for nothing. If I'd known, I could have saved the form, but no! smiley - groan and I *still* have to get the information. Probably need to ask my payroll section.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: May 1, 2003

Yet another saga

There must be something around that is causing me delays and frustration at the moment!

First I was turned away from the ferry. Now I've applied for a 1-Tel (or is it oneTel?) account and been turned down. Me! I've never been turned down for anything in my life! The odd thing is, that when I queried it, I got two e-mails from them, one telling me that I had been accepted and that everything had been set up. The other said I had been turned down and offered nary a word of explanation.

I had previously written to them. No reply. I made several phone calls - no-one could tell me anything - referred me to customer services who promised to phone me back and never did.

On this last occasion (yesterday), i found I couldn't make outgoing phone calls at all, as I was referred to 1-Tel automatically. So, I rang them *again* to find out what was going on. I was told 'this matter has been escalated' - she wouldn't/couldn't tell me what was going on, although she did give me a prefix to make outgoing calls, not could she tell me when a decision would be made.

My pride is hurt. I'm not at all impressed with the way I'm being dealt with. This has been going on for almost a month now.


smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: May 1, 2003

France? Non!

Train to Portsmouth. Taxi to continental ferries. Expecting a long day in Le Havre - sail by night return the next day. Passport check. Just expired. Not able to sail to France. What's all this about being in the EC?


smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Apr 19, 2003

Human Design - waiting to respond

I had a reading from a Human Design System analyst last week.

I already knew I was a Generator (one of four types, Manifestor, Generator, Projector and Reflector) and that my strategy in life is to wait to respond.

Interesting to find out that I have the strongly sexual channel of mating and that I am an Emotional Generator. Of nine centres - like chakras with a couple of extras - seven of mine are undefined, which means that I am extremely open. I knew I was open before I had the reading.

It also means I take on other people's stuff easily. Again, I knew that I did this. Knowing why I do it gives it a different dimension and means that I should be more able to realise when 'stuff' belongs to someone else, so that I can distance myself from it and be more objective.

My biggest challenge is going to be living my design. If my best strategy is to 'wait to respond', then it means I don't have to initiate, and explains why when I have tried to initiate, things have not generally gone according to plan.

Will it mean I live a less stressful life? This remains to be seen.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Apr 13, 2003

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