This is a Journal entry by Zarquon's Singing Fish!
Human Design - waiting to respond
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Started conversation Apr 13, 2003
I had a reading from a Human Design System analyst last week.
I already knew I was a Generator (one of four types, Manifestor, Generator, Projector and Reflector) and that my strategy in life is to wait to respond.
Interesting to find out that I have the strongly sexual channel of mating and that I am an Emotional Generator. Of nine centres - like chakras with a couple of extras - seven of mine are undefined, which means that I am extremely open. I knew I was open before I had the reading.
It also means I take on other people's stuff easily. Again, I knew that I did this. Knowing why I do it gives it a different dimension and means that I should be more able to realise when 'stuff' belongs to someone else, so that I can distance myself from it and be more objective.
My biggest challenge is going to be living my design. If my best strategy is to 'wait to respond', then it means I don't have to initiate, and explains why when I have tried to initiate, things have not generally gone according to plan.
Will it mean I live a less stressful life? This remains to be seen.
Human Design - waiting to respond
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Apr 14, 2003
You can get your own chart here:
Human Design - waiting to respond
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Apr 14, 2003
Human Design - waiting to respond
Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Apr 14, 2003
I had a reading from a Human Design System analyst last week.
Interesting to find out that I have the strongly sexual channel of mating and that I am an Emotional Generator.
*no commment. Wanna Kleenex?*
Of nine centres - like chakras with a couple of extras - seven of mine are undefined, which means that I am extremely open. I knew I was open before I had the reading.
*this either means that you whistle a chord when you stand in the wind, or that there are new frontiers to be conquered...and possibly oil!*
It also means I take on other people's stuff easily. Again, I knew that I did this. Knowing why I do it gives it a different dimension and means that I should be more able to realise when 'stuff' belongs to someone else, so that I can distance myself from it and be more objective.
My biggest challenge is going to be living my design. If my best strategy is to 'wait to respond', then it means I don't have to initiate, and explains why when I have tried to initiate, things have not generally gone according to plan.
*Actually, Kerr Avon, I, on the face of it, would take it to mean that ZSF should wait to be asked before she becomes impatient with "mere mortals" and tries to fix them. Nothing wrong with her learning to read her cues.*
Human Design - waiting to respond
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Apr 14, 2003
KA,- 'Sounds like an excuse to sit back and let the world come to you to me' - in essence - yes! Except that you have to listen to your response, which will be either a yes or a no, or a 'not sure, I'll get back to you'. Anyway, I'm going to give it a go and see if life is different this way.
TR - Keenex? What for? or
'this either means that you whistle a chord when you stand in the wind, or that there are new frontiers to be conquered...and possibly oil!*'
- do you want to run that by me again?
Waiting to be asked? Ish? Stimulus doesn't always mean being asked. It can come from reading stuff, for instance.
It should mean that when I'm not clear about something, instead of trying to sort it out in my head, I should just wait for it to become clear. Now there's a challenge. And yes, I suppose it could mean learning to read my cues.
Human Design - waiting to respond
Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Apr 14, 2003
Of nine centres - like chakras with a couple of extras - seven of mine are undefined, which means that I am extremely open. I knew I was open before I had the reading.
*this either means that you whistle a chord when you stand in the wind, or that there are new frontiers to be conquered...and possibly oil!*
"Of nine centres - like chakras with a couple of extras - seven of mine are undefined, which means that I am extremely open. I knew I was open before I had the reading."
I was visualizing either a flute or an opportunity... "extremely open"
Just being sarcastic.
Human Design - waiting to respond
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Apr 14, 2003
Actually, open centres mean that you can take on other people's stuff in double the intensity, or you can use it to surf the energy sometimes. Mick Jagger has only two defined channels - he's a Projector - and had only the Throat and the Self centres defined. hes got the 'Alpha' - leader of the pack channel and one of storytelling (called the Prodigal). His seven open channels absorb or reflect other people's stuff.
See: for further info.
Human Design - waiting to respond
Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Apr 15, 2003
Sorry, not ready for that at the moment.
Me and the child are still trying to figure out chess.
Human Design - waiting to respond
Also ran 1 Posted Apr 15, 2003
Very dear Zarquhon
It sounds fascinating all your Design and I really think that you are a SUPER kind unflappable person and one that I am really proud to call my friend.
Human Design - waiting to respond
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Apr 15, 2003
As the Patrick Swayze said in the film 'Ghost'. 'Ditto'. So pleased that your life appears to be moving forwards now. You've dealt with your adversities in a very impressive way.
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Human Design - waiting to respond
- 1: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Apr 13, 2003)
- 2: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Apr 14, 2003)
- 3: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Apr 14, 2003)
- 4: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Apr 14, 2003)
- 5: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Apr 14, 2003)
- 6: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Apr 14, 2003)
- 7: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Apr 14, 2003)
- 8: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Apr 14, 2003)
- 9: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Apr 15, 2003)
- 10: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Apr 15, 2003)
- 11: Also ran 1 (Apr 15, 2003)
- 12: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Apr 15, 2003)
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