Journal Entries
Meeting Ben
Posted Feb 20, 2003
Got to meet agcBen yesterday for a meal and then a couple of glasses (of water!) in the pub. She is in London for an NLP course. Funnily enough, I had been listening to a tape in the car and had been listening to the man taking the course, Michael Breen, on the tape. He was describing the Buddhist practice of Tonglen, a compassion practice, which I do from time to time.
We had a really pleasant time and it was really good to be able to meet her and gossip. We talked about the trip she and GTB are taking round the US. She'll be getting to meet some people I'm very curious about, like 2bit and Tonsil Revenge. What a blast.
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Latest reply: Feb 20, 2003
Police Family Liaison Officers
Posted Feb 1, 2003
I went to Catford Traffic Garage on Friday, and found they have a number of officers dedicated to supporting the families of people killed in road collisions, starting from shortly after it happens up until the court process is completed.
Pity they didn't have anyone like that when my brother was killed in a crash all those years ago. I still don't know what happened to the driver responsible, and so I feel that the incident isn't complete for me.
I was told that some times it can be quite difficult, eg in the case of an apparent suicide where the family refused to believe that their son had deliberately thrown himself under a bus.
Apparently, their whole complement was sent to America following the twin towers episode to help with bereavement counselling.
Today, more than ever, I realise the need for such support following incidents.
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Latest reply: Feb 1, 2003
Retrograde Mercury?
Posted Jan 28, 2003
I'm told that Mercury is, or was retrograde and that this happens three times a year. It controls communication, and in times of retrograding, communication is poor or mistakes happen.
Over the last week or so, I've had problems with my new modem (computer problems are also cited), my friend has been attacked over an incident at a tube station barrier, I was unable to contact him and he was leaving messages on the wrong phone, I made a foul meal as I couldn't find the right sauce, I clipped my car, I had to deal with two problems with delivery people. One refused to unload boxes and the other didn't leave some stuff behind which would make our fax machine work (yet another method of communication). I had to deal with my incandescent staff. One, when trying to sort out the fax machine was asked to fax some details across! Oh, the irony of it.
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Latest reply: Jan 28, 2003
GNATS International win third prize
Posted Jan 27, 2003
Oh, it was good to have the quiz team together again, minus a couple, plus a couple.
Gnomon (Ireland), Bossel (Germany), Whisky (France), me (England), plus Bumblebee (Norway) and a sixth person I never knew the name of. Wore a black 404 message 'T' shirt with a mention of a missing tie.
Funnly enough, we thought we had done poorly in the quiz as we guessed quite a few. It was a surprise to get third prize. Now I have an h2g2 mousemat which has pride of place at work. Better for me than the second place cup - I've lots of cups.
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Latest reply: Jan 27, 2003
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