Journal Entries

Quaker Christmas Party

I survived! Having agreed to produce a children's playlet, I was in a bit of a tiz this morning wondering if it would work. How many children would there be. Would there be enough parts for them? Would there be enough children for the parts? Would they do well? Had I prepared well enough.

As it turned out, I brought sufficient costumes for them, all the props except the pipe. There were enough children in the end. We had time to rehearse four times. I had help producing it - one parent kept the kings in order until it was their time to knock at the door of the shepherd's cottage, the child who wouldn't play the mother played the drum during the dance and a parent played the mother.

The kids were brilliant, particularly the one playing 'the tallest of the three kings'. There was musical accompaniment in the form of a flute player and a piano player and we all sang 'We three kings' at the end.

Bow, and applause! Thank you very much!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Dec 15, 2002

US visitor

Had a surprise visitor today. Someone I hadn't seen for a good 10+ years. He's been living in California for the past 15+ years. We were at university together and used to do treasure hunting in his car. We were a terrific team and won almost all the hunts, so we had to set a few to give other people a chance. I think we only lost two.

He's lost a little hair and gained a little weight, but otherwise it was as though the intervening years never happened. It was really good to see him and we had a good chat. He's off home again tomorrow. Although he brought photos of his three children, he forgot to bring one of his wife, who I haven't seen for ages as well.

What a lovely treat!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Dec 8, 2002


Sprog has discovered h2g2 - entirely on his own! He has found my CDs and is happily listening to one at the moment upstairs in my bedroom. smiley - cool

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Dec 1, 2002

Sleepless nights

I seem to be waking up an some unearthly time in the morning these days. Yesterday is was 2.30am. Today is was 3.30am. I'm not sure what is going on here. I want more Zs!

Could be about stuff to do. I'm beginning to do things a bit at a time. I'm conscious I've not done anything about the storm damage yet and the things to do I have are only getting done slowly. It's better than not getting done at all.

Oh well, back to bed for a bit. Maybe I'll meditate really early today. Might help.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Nov 29, 2002

Stuff to do

Lots of it. Do a playlet for the children at Quakers. Analyse the replies to the local Community Forum questionnaire. Complete h2g2 entries which have been put on the back burner. Read. T'ai chi. Research and background for a workshop. Go to a weaving session if I can get childcare. Complete the clutter clear. Phone friends.

One step at a time. Even if I only do a little, as long as I do something, it will all get done. Consistence is the key.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Nov 27, 2002

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