Journal Entries
Broadband - ptui!
Posted Jan 19, 2003
Got broadband - or rather not. My internet provider cancelled my existing account and set up broadband and I can't yet access it!!! So I have no access at all at present on my own machine. This is very cheesing. Hopefully I'll sort it out on Monday, when I can get access to help.
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Latest reply: Jan 19, 2003
Electricity running amok?
Posted Jan 13, 2003
On Sunday I had a phone call from a friend in the US. It took place at 5.30am and was a lovely long one. About 15 minutes before the call, I had the feeling that the answerphone had switched on. I checked it and found it was switched to answerphone only with no ringing, so it was a good job. When I switched the lights on, they were *very* dim and the heater would not work at all. When the phone rang for the call, the lights were working perfectly.
Today at work, my computer blew up on me! I asked it to print something and bang!, it bit the dust. And it's a newish one too - only about 6 months old.
*wonders* if there is something about me and electricity at the moment.
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Latest reply: Jan 13, 2003
Beginnings and endings
Posted Jan 5, 2003
So, another year begins. It started well, as I spent New Year's Eve with someone I have a fledgling relationship with. We have pledged to support each other's growth, come what may.
I've also ended another fledgling relationship with someone else as it did not feel right (and truth to tell, he gave me an ultimatum) so I feel sad for being the cause of hurting him.
I'm sure that whatever happens will be an adventure - a good one, I hope.
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Latest reply: Jan 5, 2003
Sobering news!
Posted Dec 20, 2002
As I was putting my coat on to come home from work, a colleague came to see me, looking white-faced. Someone she knew from university had just been killed in a car crash.
It's so difficult to know what to say or how to console her at a time like this. This was a young woman, around 25 years old - a best friend of her partner. No more details. The woman had just moved in with her partner. Such a senseless waste. I should know - I work in the road safety field.
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Latest reply: Dec 20, 2002
Dad's in hospital again!
Posted Dec 15, 2002
Just found out. He went in on Friday, but told mum not to tell me as the thought I'd enough on my plate. As if I wouldn't want to know.
It only came out when sprog asked her how dad was and she told him - then told him not to tell me, and bingo - he can't keep a secret for a second.
Seems he went out for a walk, came back feeling unwell and passed out in a chair. He was taken to hospital by ambulance and will see the consultant on Monday. Mum thinks he'll only be in a few days.
Prayers needed again!
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Latest reply: Dec 15, 2002
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