This is a Journal entry by Zarquon's Singing Fish!
Broadband - ptui!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Started conversation Jan 19, 2003
Got broadband - or rather not. My internet provider cancelled my existing account and set up broadband and I can't yet access it!!! So I have no access at all at present on my own machine. This is very cheesing. Hopefully I'll sort it out on Monday, when I can get access to help.
Broadband - ptui!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jan 20, 2003
Now back on-line, but no broadband. Apparently my computer has no driver for the modem the ISP supplied, so it's going to have to go back, and I'm on pay-as-go rather than the 24 hour all-in contract I had before. Hah!
Broadband - ptui!
Trout Montague Posted Jan 20, 2003
Reminds me of school.
Our geography master had the face and temperament of Alan Rickman's Snape (Harry Potter). My friend and I were playing the ass in his lesson about buildings, so got called up to explain ourselves.
I was quaking like a leaf, but quick as a flash, my friend said: "My Dad had the Cavity Wall people 'round to quote us for insulation. Only when he inspected it, he said 'you haven't got cavity walls mate' and left".
Broadband - ptui!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jan 21, 2003
What type of walls your friend's house had? Stone?
The upshot of my broadband story is that I shall have to wait for them to sort me out with a router and I will have to return the Alcatel modem for a refund. It's always a nuisance returning stuff - it means a trip to the post office and a long wait usually. :
Still, when it's set up, it should be really good!
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Broadband - ptui!
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