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Proud owner of an h2g2 'T' shirt!!!

Visited the Towers at Bush House today with little smiley - fish and was made very welcome by the team.

Bush House is a very attractive 1930s building with loads of original features, such as the most beautiful glass wash basins in the loos and an interesting system for posting letters (no longer in use).

I signed in formally as Zarquon's Singing Fish! and had a good giggle as the woman on reception struggled to tell Anna who was in reception.

We were made to feel very welcome. Anna showed me round and I got to see how the system worked - with the exception of the Jim Lynn type questions, but ... no matter. Interesting to get a view from the inside and to hear about the stresses and strains the italics work under. Abi made me a lovely cup of tea and showed me the moderation system and kept little smiley - fish amused with Radio 7 and drawing Yoda. Between the two of them, they got an h2g2 'T' shirt for both of us and I am now proudly wearing mine.

Interesting also to talk to Jimster about the design of the Front Page, to see today's in progress (well, to be fair, I think it had just been updated). Seems that h2g2 staff do more work than some other staff (so those who think they sit around drinking cups of tea have got it wrong!), which is always good to hear.

I had been hoping that I might get to see Maggy/Meg, and so I did, which was brilliant. We had lunch with her in the BBC canteen and I bought her books.

All in all a great day! smiley - magic

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Jul 25, 2003

Visit to AR1

Little smiley - fish and I went to visit AR1 yesterday at her flat in Sevenoaks. It was a while since I've been there. Driving there brought back memories of when I used to live in Pratts Bottom and I drove back through Badgers Mount, past the Polehill Garden Centre, where I used to be a fairly frequent visitor.

We went swimming, or rather little smiley - fish and K went swimming, in a rather nice swimming pool with an outdoors bit - nice touch that. The weather was lovely, nice and sunny, not *too* hot. I'd forgotten to bring his bathing suit, so we went to get him one and a towel. smiley - silly me. AR1 got them for him, with some neat goggles and said it was an early birthday present, which was lovely.

Found out that AR1 is indeed a remarkable woman and that we share views on stuff like fairness and justice. I gather that in her day, she was wonderfully fit - swam for her country and has a brilliant mind. Great that she got her degree a few years after K got his, Reminds me that my mum studied for qualifications around the age of 40 and how proud of her I was.

We had a meal by the poolside - little smiley - fish did not want to come out, so we let him eat, have a break, then get back in again. Bit of a hiatus at the end as he got lost - was in the loo, however it was soon sorted out and we went back for some tea. Ratatouille. Yum! K offered to give little smiley - fish his fishing rod, which I thought was most generous, however I thought it best that he kept it. Wonder if there are facilities for disabled people that he could tap into. Found but it may be a bit too far away. This one: may not have the facilities. I wonder if there are 'friends for disabled anglers' that one could tap into?

And a poddle around the garden (well, actually that was earlier), and then we got out the bike from my car for little smiley - fish to have a go on. Oh, dear. He was afraid of it, even though I was holding onto his saddle and handlebars. Big sulks.

Other memories - huge cherries, contraband for little smiley - fish - cheese, bread and Pepsi.

Forgot the word for 'food for the route' - must find out what it was.

A lovely day, and one to be repeated, hopefully.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Jul 24, 2003

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

My copy of the new HP arrived yesterday and I'm reading it to little smiley - fish. On the second chapter at the moment (although of course, I'm speeding ahead myself).

Actually, I'm stalled at the moment. Little smiley - fish came and enthusiastically whirled round sitting next to me, after having got up to do something and hurt me, so I've told him he'll get the remainder of the chapter just before bedtime. I know he didn't do it on purpose, but I want him to be more careful and to realise he can hurt if he's not.

I'm not usually the sort of person who gets excited about such things, however I confess to having been rather pleased when the postman brought it yesterday.

Apparently the Post Office laid on extra vans to cope with the weight of the books. They are really heavy.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Jun 22, 2003

Who'd have children?

Ugh! Emotional blackmail from little smiley - fish. I found him pinching food yet again from my cupboard - half a block of flapjack this time. The he wouldn't eat his tea. Then he tried sneaking some fruit past me - no tea, no fruit is my rule.

Some if the time, if he just *asked* he would get what he wants. I've withdrawn treats for two weeks for pinching treat drinks - he was given one, he took one, which was meant for the next day.

Remonstrations, threats of punishment if he steals again - I will put a lock on the cupboard, and I sent him to bed (OK only a bit before his real bedtime). Howls, more howls. I should be working on the Charlton Athletic entry; there's only a little to do. I feel emotionally drained. I'm off to bed. smiley - run

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Jun 11, 2003

Who'd have children?

Ugh! Emotional blackmail from little smiley - fish. I found him pinching food yet again from my cupboard - half a block of flapjack this time. The he wouldn't eat his tea. Then he tried sneaking some fruit past me - no tea, no fruit is my rule.

Some if the time, if he just *asked* he would get what he wants. I've withdrawn treats for two weeks for pinching treat drinks - he was given one, he took one, which was meant for the next day.

Remonstrations, threats of punishment if he steals again - I will put a lock on the cupboard, and I sent him to bed (OK only a bit before his real bedtime). Howls, more howls. I should be working on the Charlton Athletic entry; there's only a little to do. I feel emotionally drained. I'm off to bed. smiley - run

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Jun 11, 2003

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