This is a Journal entry by Zarquon's Singing Fish!
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Zarquon's Singing Fish! Started conversation Jul 24, 2003
Little and I went to visit AR1 yesterday at her flat in Sevenoaks. It was a while since I've been there. Driving there brought back memories of when I used to live in Pratts Bottom and I drove back through Badgers Mount, past the Polehill Garden Centre, where I used to be a fairly frequent visitor.
We went swimming, or rather little and K went swimming, in a rather nice swimming pool with an outdoors bit - nice touch that. The weather was lovely, nice and sunny, not *too* hot. I'd forgotten to bring his bathing suit, so we went to get him one and a towel.
me. AR1 got them for him, with some neat goggles and said it was an early birthday present, which was lovely.
Found out that AR1 is indeed a remarkable woman and that we share views on stuff like fairness and justice. I gather that in her day, she was wonderfully fit - swam for her country and has a brilliant mind. Great that she got her degree a few years after K got his, Reminds me that my mum studied for qualifications around the age of 40 and how proud of her I was.
We had a meal by the poolside - little did not want to come out, so we let him eat, have a break, then get back in again. Bit of a hiatus at the end as he got lost - was in the loo, however it was soon sorted out and we went back for some tea. Ratatouille. Yum! K offered to give little
his fishing rod, which I thought was most generous, however I thought it best that he kept it. Wonder if there are facilities for disabled people that he could tap into. Found but it may be a bit too far away. This one: may not have the facilities. I wonder if there are 'friends for disabled anglers' that one could tap into?
And a poddle around the garden (well, actually that was earlier), and then we got out the bike from my car for little to have a go on. Oh, dear. He was afraid of it, even though I was holding onto his saddle and handlebars. Big sulks.
Other memories - huge cherries, contraband for little - cheese, bread and Pepsi.
Forgot the word for 'food for the route' - must find out what it was.
A lovely day, and one to be repeated, hopefully.
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Also ran 1 Posted Aug 16, 2003
Oh my
What a lovely account of our day together. And would you believe it I still have poor Faith Pawlowskis night attire. She will be too big when she eventually gets it.
I do hope tht you had a good weeks's camping. I had forgotten about it. But in any case I have had a dreadful job trying to get back on line. I somehow missed the change, couldnt remember my BBC log in name, or my U number. Fortunately lots of people have helped and now all is well.
Incidentally the word for food for the road is "padkos". I hope that the Pillowcase and Wrinkled Rocker from SA see this and they will endorse the term!!.
I have written about the cardiologists report for my hands. He has taken me off my heart medication for three months and was bemused at the number of dermatologists that I had been to!!.
"Did none of them wonder whether you were allergic to your heart medicatiom"? he asked.
I have some French cousins arriving tomorrow. the sitting room is redecorated. You would not recognise it It is wonderful. But the poor guy who was helping me has had to rush his wife off to hospital. She is a person who suffers from bi-polar illness. I am sure that it could be better managed than it is.
Lots of and write when you can and come and see me as soon as you can. Longing to see you. And now I can swim as it would seem that it is not the chlorine that I am allergic to. (another possibility!!) Great!!
I have just had a phone call from my cousin telling me that they thought I lived in Wellington and that is why they were going to visit me there. Now they are not going and they are only going to go to Salisbury and Stonehenge, and here I have my lunch all ready for them!!.
Visit to AR1
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Aug 17, 2003
Hi AR1
Glad you've sorted your gremlins out! Welcome back!
He had a wonderful time - found a kindres spirit - a little boy aged 10 - almost 11, and they went into the woods together, to the big beech tree, to the lake and across to the islet in the middle. Did whittling and toasting marshmallows by the fire.
At the opening circle he asked if the fire 'was authorised for marshmallows'!
More later.
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Also ran 1 Posted Aug 23, 2003
Hi my honey,
I hope that you have got over your fall. It must have been a dreadful shock. I sometimes think that you should give up the unequal struggle and just let little take what he wants. When there isn't any more there isn't any more!!. Far more peaceful for you!!.
I never buy Pink Lady apples without thinking of him. ARe you doing anything on Monday.? Do you want to come out here?You will be able to admire my beautiful new living room.
I sen you both much and affection
Visit to AR1
Also ran 1 Posted Aug 23, 2003
Hi my honey,
I hope that you have got over your fall. It must have been a dreadful shock. I sometimes think that you should give up the unequal struggle and just let little take what he wants. When there isn't any more there isn't any more!!. Far more peaceful for you!!.
I never buy Pink Lady apples without thinking of him. ARe you doing anything on Monday.? Do you want to come out here?You will be able to admire my beautiful new living room.
I send you both much and affection
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