This is a Journal entry by Zarquon's Singing Fish!
Who'd have children?
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Started conversation Jun 11, 2003
Ugh! Emotional blackmail from little . I found him pinching food yet again from my cupboard - half a block of flapjack this time. The he wouldn't eat his tea. Then he tried sneaking some fruit past me - no tea, no fruit is my rule.
Some if the time, if he just *asked* he would get what he wants. I've withdrawn treats for two weeks for pinching treat drinks - he was given one, he took one, which was meant for the next day.
Remonstrations, threats of punishment if he steals again - I will put a lock on the cupboard, and I sent him to bed (OK only a bit before his real bedtime). Howls, more howls. I should be working on the Charlton Athletic entry; there's only a little to do. I feel emotionally drained. I'm off to bed.
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