This is a Journal entry by Zarquon's Singing Fish!
Proud owner of an h2g2 'T' shirt!!!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Started conversation Jul 25, 2003
Visited the Towers at Bush House today with little and was made very welcome by the team.
Bush House is a very attractive 1930s building with loads of original features, such as the most beautiful glass wash basins in the loos and an interesting system for posting letters (no longer in use).
I signed in formally as Zarquon's Singing Fish! and had a good giggle as the woman on reception struggled to tell Anna who was in reception.
We were made to feel very welcome. Anna showed me round and I got to see how the system worked - with the exception of the Jim Lynn type questions, but ... no matter. Interesting to get a view from the inside and to hear about the stresses and strains the italics work under. Abi made me a lovely cup of tea and showed me the moderation system and kept little amused with Radio 7 and drawing Yoda. Between the two of them, they got an h2g2 'T' shirt for both of us and I am now proudly wearing mine.
Interesting also to talk to Jimster about the design of the Front Page, to see today's in progress (well, to be fair, I think it had just been updated). Seems that h2g2 staff do more work than some other staff (so those who think they sit around drinking cups of tea have got it wrong!), which is always good to hear.
I had been hoping that I might get to see Maggy/Meg, and so I did, which was brilliant. We had lunch with her in the BBC canteen and I bought her books.
All in all a great day!
Proud owner of an h2g2 'T' shirt!!!
Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Jul 25, 2003
Hmm. I had to almost win a contest to get mine...
Schnooks went into the kitchen yesterday and spent half a day messing it up.
She made something she called Pesto Pizza. It was inedible.
The dogs only munched on it because each thought the other was interested in it. It was covered in rosemary, which is the child's favorite, um, herb at the moment.
The other thing was supposed to be hot cross buns with currants and candied orange slices in it.
Tastes just like scones with jam.
Kitchen is a mess. She supposedly spent a half hour cleaning it up last night. No evidence that a crime scene team would be able to find.
Heard a Neptunes song sanged by Busta Rhymes this morning, called "Set Your A** On Fire".
Sounds like something a seven year old would sing on the playground.
And Busta is as old as me.
Proud owner of an h2g2 'T' shirt!!!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jul 26, 2003
All you have to do to get another, is to come to London and visit Bush House! As a respected member of the h2g2 community, I'm sure you would be offered one too!
Maggy/Meg = U172697 - is/was producer of the 360 site. I met her at the Summer h2g2 meet last year and got on very well with her.
Pesto Pizza - I hope it had something other than pesto on it. Why was it inedible?
Is it Schnooks who is meant to have cleaned the kitchen?
I've not heardof Busta Rhymes.
Proud owner of an h2g2 'T' shirt!!!
Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Jul 26, 2003
I don't know. I tried to eat it and I had to spit it out.
Yep, Schnooks.
She did some salmon croquets last night to forestall the major task.
I might have to bring in a shovel.
She's giving me that old,"If you want something done right, do it yourself" junk.
BustaRhymes is an actor/rapper legend in his own time.
Meg wrote books?
Proud owner of an h2g2 'T' shirt!!!
Also ran 1 Posted Jul 26, 2003
Oh my sweetie, big
What a super day. and to have lunch with Maggy/Meg. Lucky you!! I wish I had nown that you might see her I would have sent her a message.
So little enjoyed himself. He has certainly had a very exciting week. Did he enjoy the trip toLondon. How did you go?
I have had a friend to lunch who lost her husband last year. It is so difficult to come to t3erms with being alone - which she really is. So I was happy to listen.I think it is quite strange but many people do not want those who are grieving to talk about the people they have lost. I think that is stupid but when one has loived with a apouse for a long time how on earth does one just switch off the fact that they are no longer around?
Incidentally my left hand is in dire need of more reiki!!. so get cracking girl!.
Such a lovely day on Wednesday. But I was tired and you both must have been tired as well.
A big and a
for little
Proud owner of an h2g2 'T' shirt!!!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jul 26, 2003
Hi AR1
We did have a great time and I not only gave your greetings to Anna and Abi, I gave them to Maggy/Meg as well and all wished you well! Yes, little
had a great time. Abi found Radio 7 for him. I'd not come across it before.
I understand that Maggy/Meg sent you a message?
I agree with you completely that it is really good to talk about someone you have lost - I know I found it a help when my brother died. As he was on board ship most of the time, I did not have the loss of him in everyday life, but yes - it must be very strange not having someone around who has been a major part of one's life. Of course, I have had an analagous situation, when my ex-husband left, however I did see him a couple of times again and I know where to get hold of him if I ever need to (I can't really see any reasona, mind you!).
Oh, is your hand bad again? I'll do what I can with absent healing, although I haven't yet reiki 2. Next time, you shall have hands on again!
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Proud owner of an h2g2 'T' shirt!!!
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