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Took the plunge yesterday and had my navel pierced. Oh the things we do to please our mates! Made sure I chose somewhere really well recommended and I was very impressed with how thorough the piercer was. This morning, it looks good - no trace of redness, although I think I want to keep it covered yet awhile. smiley - magic

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Sep 5, 2003

Little ><>'s birthday party

It's little smiley - fish's 8th birthday tomorrow. He won't be getting a proper party this year. Maybe I should have thought of a virtual party for him. I'll provide jelly and smiley - cake and smiley - oj (although actually he hates that - apple juice would do much better). There's got to be jelly, thoughh.

And games!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Sep 4, 2003

Could I be a Reflector?

I've been giving my own Human Design some thought recently ( my entry on it is currently languishing in PR A1110529).

What I am depends on my birth time and my mum has always been reticent to tell me. At one time she said around 6 am, so I went by that. This makes me a single definition emotional 2/4 Generator with my strategy to wait to respond.

Thinking about what she said, this time may not be correct. Apparently I was taken away from her at birth and she didn't see me until the next day. May dad says only that I was born during the night. So I might have been born either in the very early morning or quite late at night. Both of these times would make me a Reflector, an entirely different kettle of fish. I have only one channel in my current design - the rather juicy 'Channel of Mating', called the 59/6, so I'm almost a Reflector if the current reading is correct.

If I am a Reflector, then there are only 0.9% of them in the population as opposed to 70% Generators. Generator strategy is the easiest to implement - wait to respond. Life presents lots of opportunities to respond. I only hit obstacles when I try to manifest. If I'm a Reflector, I think my strategy is much harder. I have to wait 28 days (a lunar cycle). Goodness knows, I may have difficulty with waiting. Although I am sometimes a procrastinator, sometimes jump in with both feet. How would this affect me leading my team at work?

When I went to a seminar on Human Design, I did find that I got on well with two Reflectors there - they were the first I ever met.

How do I find out my correct time of birth? How long do hospitals keep records? How many babies have been born in that hospital since me?

I'm told there is a way of finding out, called rectification. This is not an easy method and means providing dates for 20-30 important life events, so that my design can be worked out. They do something similar in astrology. I must say I would like to know properly. Not quite sure where to start.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Aug 30, 2003

Stepping into thin air ...

Had a fall last night.

I had put some crisps on top of a wardrobe, so that little smiley - fish couldn't get at them - they're for his lunch box. I told him he wouldn't be able to get them. Some time later I found he'd got a chair and piled all the pillows on to of it to reach the packet, and he'd taken one out. Serves me right for setting him the challenge.

So I decided to put them to the back of the top of the wardrobe. I got the step stool, noticed I'd placed it back to front, and thought 'I must be careful getting off, or I'll fall'.

No, I wasn't careful. I was so pleased with myself for having made the crisps unreachable, I stepped back to put my foot where the step should have been - aargh - nothing. There was that feeling of horror and disbelief. Bang, I cracked my head on the other wardrobe catch, bang I landed on my bottom. I was badly shaken and couldn't move. Blood was pouring from my head and also I had a cut on my right elbow. I lay there for a while to get my breath, before pulling myself up to sit on the bed.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Aug 20, 2003

Prayer for Kzin

Kzin was my cat. I had him for around 14 years. He was about three when I had him at first. He was a ginger male, very light coloured with a white throat and paws. He was a small, very gentle cat, not wonderfully bright (I remember taking a mouse he brought into my bedroom once out of the room under his nose and putting it in the garden - he spent the next half hour looking for it in the bedroom) and very loving. He used to jump on my shoulders and sit round my neck.

Today, I heard a yowling from the conservatory (as I laughingly call our lean-to construction) and he was unable to stand, dribbling and twitching. I gave him some food, but he couldn't eat it. I tried to give him water, but he couldn't drink.

I got a vet's appointment, but not for a couple of hours. I went to the shop for food while Merlin looked after him and gave him reiki. His condition had deteriorated during the time and apparently he had been very distressed.

On taking him to the vet, he was completely collapsed and panting. The vet told me that he thought he was dying and that although he could do tests to find out if anything could be done, the likelihood was that he would die during the tests. I said my goodbye and held him whilst the vet put him to sleep. It was very quick. smiley - angelsmiley - cry I know it was the kindest thing to do for him. Say a prayer for Kzin!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Jul 26, 2003

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