This is a Journal entry by Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Could I be a Reflector?

Post 1

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I've been giving my own Human Design some thought recently ( my entry on it is currently languishing in PR A1110529).

What I am depends on my birth time and my mum has always been reticent to tell me. At one time she said around 6 am, so I went by that. This makes me a single definition emotional 2/4 Generator with my strategy to wait to respond.

Thinking about what she said, this time may not be correct. Apparently I was taken away from her at birth and she didn't see me until the next day. May dad says only that I was born during the night. So I might have been born either in the very early morning or quite late at night. Both of these times would make me a Reflector, an entirely different kettle of fish. I have only one channel in my current design - the rather juicy 'Channel of Mating', called the 59/6, so I'm almost a Reflector if the current reading is correct.

If I am a Reflector, then there are only 0.9% of them in the population as opposed to 70% Generators. Generator strategy is the easiest to implement - wait to respond. Life presents lots of opportunities to respond. I only hit obstacles when I try to manifest. If I'm a Reflector, I think my strategy is much harder. I have to wait 28 days (a lunar cycle). Goodness knows, I may have difficulty with waiting. Although I am sometimes a procrastinator, sometimes jump in with both feet. How would this affect me leading my team at work?

When I went to a seminar on Human Design, I did find that I got on well with two Reflectors there - they were the first I ever met.

How do I find out my correct time of birth? How long do hospitals keep records? How many babies have been born in that hospital since me?

I'm told there is a way of finding out, called rectification. This is not an easy method and means providing dates for 20-30 important life events, so that my design can be worked out. They do something similar in astrology. I must say I would like to know properly. Not quite sure where to start.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Could I be a Reflector?

Post 2


ZSF, I hate to state the obvious, but have you checked your birth certificate to see if the time is mentioned?
The hospital should probably have its older records archived by now, but they would still be available as microfiche or digital scans. If not, perhaps the attending physician's recors are still on file somewhere.

smiley - towel

Could I be a Reflector?

Post 3

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Not even Little smiley - fish's birth certificate has a time on it, Fords! Thanks for the thought though.

Would the hospital have archived files giving the time? Maybe I can contact them. I really would like to know my time of birth.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Could I be a Reflector?

Post 4

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I phoned the hospital and they told me that if I ring back on Monday and ask for 'Medical Records' they would look for me!

Thanks, Fords! smiley - kiss

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Could I be a Reflector?

Post 5

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I contacted the hospital where I was born and was told they only kept records for 25 years. Pooh!

><smiley - musicalnote

Could I be a Reflector?

Post 6


I know the time of my birth to the nearest minute - for some reason my mother had a stop watch. The Jyotis at the TM movement claim to be able to find out your time of birth but I think it's an abserlout con.

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