Journal Entries

oh the excitement of the day

NOT! smiley - laugh
I am waiting for a parcel to be delivered then will walk to the doctor's surgery to collect a prescription. I already have tonight's dinner in the slow cooker( well for Nessie as you never know what time she will be in) and have emptied the left with a few boring chores like clean the bath...except the cleaner sets me off wheezing....the excitement of the day underwhelms me completely.smiley - rolleyes
You know I think I will be glad to be back at work.Roll on June 2cnd.
Meeting with personnel tomorrow afternoon to sort out the whys and wherefores and my specialist appointment is 4th June so things may be getting sorted out at lastsmiley - ok
Must remember to ring Hairdressers to get hair cut before I go back to work.
smiley - hug to all. I hope you all have a day filled with excitement!smiley - magic

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Latest reply: May 22, 2008

one of those days sigh

Started off I dropped a full bowl of cat food upside down on the kitchen floorsmiley - doh
Then whilst attempting to minimise the damage I knocked over the clean basket of washing, just out of the washing guessed it...onto the cat foodsmiley - yikes
Went to the understairs cubby hole to get mop etc....the whole lot fell out on top of me....smiley - headhurts I do not suit wearing a hoover and a bucketsmiley - cross

And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse..I answered the door seeing the red/orange coat ..thinking it was the was one of those energy salesmen...took me 25 minutes to get rid of himsmiley - grr

Then when postie did arrive with Nessie's was the grumpy one who sucks lemons for breakfast.smiley - yuk

One of those days where all you can do is smiley - laugh
smiley - hug to all.

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Latest reply: May 21, 2008

a view point

I was rather perturbed to see a discussion on another thread which told someone who was ill to stop being a martyr.
Everyone has different experience of illness ,even two people with the same illness will feel differently about it. I know my recent experience of getting asthma made me feel very low because of the limitations it now puts on me.
However I also know that Serephina, for instance, has asthma, and has been very ill with it,so her experience will be different from mine.
As a person with medical qualifications and a psychologist, I have to say that no one should be saying that someone's illness isn't as bad as it is, or that just because they have the same illness,that the other person is a martyr,because no one can say how that person feels about their illness or what their pain threshold might be...the variables are endless. Sometimes the type of personality you have can affect how you deal with illness and how you recover or learn to live with it.
I know all this ,yet have found it hard to deal with what has happened to please show a bit of consideration and don't jump in and snap off a reply to someone because you have the same illness and think you know what it is like, or because you might think they should be more stoic in the face of their misfortune. None of us can know what another person is going through smiley - rose
I was upset to see one of the gentlest people I know has stayed away from hootoo since this happened.smiley - cry
This is my journal and I am saying what I feel.If you read it and don't like it you have the right of reply.
smiley - hug to everyone.Count your blessings and take care of your friends.

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Latest reply: May 20, 2008

sunny sunday

well it's sunday. It's hot, but I am coolsmiley - cool
Oedipussmiley - cat keeps going up to Nessie and crying and she has to put the electric fan on for himsmiley - laugh then when he has got cool enoughsmiley - cool he goes back on his cushion.
Bagginssmiley - cat is scaredsmiley - yikes of the fan because he tried to sniff it and it nearly blew his whiskas off!smiley - rofl
WE got a surprise today in the tesco delivery. Two packets of know the frozen pieces sort... that we hadn't ordered. I rang them and they said keep them!smiley - magic I gave one packet to my next door neighbour as he is going to fill my patio pots with compost for me so I can plant some stuff. He knows I've not been well and thats why I hadn't done them yet. Nice neighbours we have here,(if a little eccentric on the other side.)
Mad Jack tried to cut down his jungle of a garden with a little hover mower...needless to say he didn't get far... it amused the neighbours no end smiley - laughAlmost as much fun as when doris's chickens escaped and her nephew was chasing them around Mad Jacks garden trying to find them in the undergrowthsmiley - laugh
I know little things amuse little minds..mine includedsmiley - doh
smiley - hug to everyone . I hope you are enjoying nice weather where you are.Spare a thought for the poor Burmese people,I know I will send what I can, and hope that relief gets through.
smiley - kiss to all

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Latest reply: May 11, 2008

I missed...

my hootoo birthdaysmiley - crysmiley - yikes April 6th 2001.....that makes me ...counts on fingers..sevensmiley - laugh .leaves smiley - cakesmiley - bubbly for all and redbrush smiley - tea for Pheloxi.
I am still off work but officially on leave. I am waiting to see a specialist in Newcastle....and guess what the university are payingsmiley - 2cents...don't faint...yes paying for me to see the specialist privately.I think this have had something to do with a visit from the Health and Safety Executive,not at my instigation I might add, but students have also expressed concerns about the safety of the library.
I am feeling a bit better and a bit brighter but still don't know what is happening about my jobsmiley - sadface.I suppose after I've seen the specialist they will find me somewhere to work.smiley - ok
Other news Nessie passed her driving test and now has a little carsmiley - magic and I am now a great auntsmiley - magic. My great niece is in Texas but thanks to the wonders of the internet I have video clips and photos.She is beautifulsmiley - diva
So hugssmiley - hug to all and I hope you are ok. Hopefully I will catch up with everyone soonsmiley - smiley

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Latest reply: May 2, 2008

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