An Intrepid Canadian - Up Close and Personal
About Me:
Welcome to my Space, I've just recently joined h2g2, and find that it is a very fascinating club, of sorts. I find the future plans for 'mobile' h2g2 quite amazing, indeed! Now, I suppose that you all would like to know a little more about me. Isn't that why you're here? Very well, I am a 19 year old guy from the great white north commonly known as Canada, more specifically Ottawa. I am about six feet tall, fluctuate between 150 and 170 lbs., have brown hair (shaved), blue eyes, and lots of personality.My Hobbies:
In my spare time, I often 'hang' with my friends, listen to classical music, and try to keep as active as possible. In the summer time, I enjoy lifeguarding, rock climbing, hiking, camping, sailing, and xc biking. As well, I like xc and downhill skiing, snowshoeing, winter camping, and a host of other outdoor activities. I just moved out on my own this year, which is pretty good for the most part. Currently, I am living with four other people in a giant house, but will be moving out on my own as of March 1st.The Future:
I am between jobs right now, but am looking into perhaps signing up with the Canadian Forces to become an Aircraft Mechanic or a Firefighter. Some other occupations that I find inviting are teaching Phys-ed or English in a high school, or designing outdoor equipment with a kick-ass company such as Outdoor Research. As I'm sure you might have guessed by now, I really dig writing (especially editorial-type things) and am looking forward to contributing my 'two cents worth' in many of the discussion topics on this site.A Few Miscellaneous Items: 
Some Cool Links:
A more intimate self-analysis of An Intrepid CanadianMy online photo album
The - lots of cool quizzes and stuff.
An incredibly cool site on all kinds of explorers and their expeditions
One of my favorite sites for Patriotic Paraphernalia - A must if you are Canadian
Click here to view my friend Mat's space on h2g2.
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Your Life Beyond Article | Jan 24, 2001 |
Hi There! | Jan 24, 2001 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Update to the information above: | Apr 30, 2001 | No Replies |
Life... beyond! | Apr 28, 2001 | Apr 29, 2001 |
Artificial Stimulants | Jan 23, 2001 | Jan 24, 2001 |
Rock Climbing | Jan 19, 2001 | No Replies |
An Intrepid Canadian
Researcher U167274
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."