This is the Message Centre for An Intrepid Canadian
Hi There!
Buff Started conversation Jan 18, 2001
I just thought I'd leave a friendly greeting, seeing as no one else has yet.
Soon some official, or semi-official type will come along and leave you a lot of usefull links and probably an even friendlier greeting...
But anyhow... Welcome to H2G2!
Hi There!
shazzPRME Posted Jan 18, 2001
Hehe... now what makes you think that eh?
Hello there Intrepid!
You may be wondering why your picture isn't working?
I have just had a quick look and I think that you have left off some vital tags... I hope that you don't mind me pointing this out by the way! You need a few "" tags to make it work properly (assuming that you have the URL of the picture correct and are allowed to link to it that is
*Your text here* would probably suffice... GuideML doesn't recognise the:
HSPACE=10 VSPACE=2 height=150 width=399>
If you use the <"" /> for the URL you don't need to put in at the end
I am one of the Aces who try to help newcomers if they can. I am not going to paste a whole lot of links in here for you... but if you need any help or have any questions please pop along to my Space (just click on my name at the top of this message and you will be transported there!)
The one and only link I will give is to the (welcome page), which you may find useful if you haven't already found it!
Have a good time around h2g2... I am in Europe and it is now 3.30am, so I will be catching some sleep for the next few hours!
Hello to you, as well!
An Intrepid Canadian Posted Jan 18, 2001
Thank you ever so much for welcoming me into the online community of h2g2. It was much appreciated. As you must know, I am very new to all this and look forward to exploring the site and learning more and more as time goes on. As well, I enjoy a little bit of recreational writing and will be adding entries whenever I get the time. I have actually added one recently (this morning) and would like it a great deal if you would check it out and perhaps send a little feedback my way. It is titled "Life Beyond the Tube" and is about trying to live with out a T.V. I wrote it several years ago in school and my mother helped me out a little (I can't take all the credit). Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
An Intrepid Canadian
Hi There!
An Intrepid Canadian Posted Jan 18, 2001
Thank you for your input. The photo seemed to work for me (with the HSPACE, VSPACE, etc) after I inserted some quotation marks around the attributes (ie" HSPACE="2"). It is necessary for me to use these parameters as the original pic is monstrous. Is there any other way to resize pictures using GuideML, or should I stick to good-old-fashioned HTML?
Hi There!
shazzPRME Posted Jan 19, 2001
Hello again
Unfortunately there is no easy way around your huge picture problam using GuideML... but you have two options to reduce it to fit the page better.
The best one is if you send the picture to me... I will reduce it for you, or make a thumb which you can then link to the bigger picture if you so wish Don't worry... I'll help you with the coding if you get stuck!
Alternatively you can join Fotango (which is free) and put your picture on there... that automatically reduces the picture to an acceptable size. The second option isn't quite so good though, as the pictures sometimes become slightly corrupted!
If you want me to help, just email me at [email protected]
Another link you may be interested in is the GuideML help for Subs... you can find it here:
Have fun... catch you soon... I will pop over and look at your entry now
Thanx dude :)
An Intrepid Canadian Posted Jan 19, 2001
Thanx alot for the help. I switched back to html just to get it up and working for now, but it still doesn't seem to work. Maybe I'm not allowed to link to the pic. It's from my web site, but maybe the server I'm with doesn't allow outsiders to link to the photos. The html should be ok ... I used to code in html a long time ago so I'm a little rusty, but I scoped the code for my home page and it seemed to be about the same, so I don't know what the problem is. I have a hard copy of the image, so I suppose I could re-scan it, play with the size, and upload it to another server or something. That should work, eh? Unfortunately I won't be able to test this theory until I get home on Monday or Tuesday. Anyway ... thanx again for your help. TTYL
Try This Then!
An Intrepid Canadian Posted Jan 23, 2001
thanx shazz ... I rescanned the pic and made it a more resonable size. I cant really tell if it's working because it always has worked on my browser. I don't know why. the new url is "[URL removed by moderator] " I haven't tried what you said yet cause I want to see if it's working. A penny for your thoughts?
I don't understand
An Intrepid Canadian Posted Jan 23, 2001
Hey there shazza ... sorry to be such a bother, but I simply cannot understand why this stupid thing doesn't work. If I type the url that I put in the tag into the address bar it works no problem. As well, my page starts displaying the pic that it wasn't showing two minutes ago. Very weird! Also ... I tried signing up for the photo storage thingy that you advertise and there was some thing wrong with it. Anyway ... I'm at a loss.
I don't understand
shazzPRME Posted Jan 23, 2001
Hi Intrepid
Maybe the following has something to do with your problem:
You do not have permission to access [URL removed by moderator]
Data files must be stored on the same site they are linked from.
It looks as if you are not allowed to link from that site to another site...
You had problems with Fotango? I haven't been there for a while...
I'll have a look and see if I can find out what the problem is for you.
Meanwhile, why not try the link I gave you... you need to copy the whole lot in, not just the highlighted URL... from to
It seems to be working :)
An Intrepid Canadian Posted Jan 24, 2001
Hey shazz,
I removed all that link s**t (no offence) and just linked to the thumb picture ... it was the perfect size ... where did you store it? If I'm taking up any of your online space or something tell me and I'll get my own account somewhere to put it ... I'll probably do that anyway, but if it's ok I'll leave it as it is for now. Thanx again
It seems to be working :)
shazzPRME Posted Jan 24, 2001
It is on my .com gif store site, and now I have removed all 'The Post' gifs from there it is only on 8% full atm, so no worries
Any other help you need, just shout ok
It does work :)
An Intrepid Canadian Posted Jan 24, 2001
Wilco shazz-ster
Thanx alot and let me know if you want to get rid of that pic, but I'm sure I'll have some other arrangements by that time. TTYL
Key: Complain about this post
Hi There!
- 1: Buff (Jan 18, 2001)
- 2: shazzPRME (Jan 18, 2001)
- 3: An Intrepid Canadian (Jan 18, 2001)
- 4: An Intrepid Canadian (Jan 18, 2001)
- 5: shazzPRME (Jan 19, 2001)
- 6: An Intrepid Canadian (Jan 19, 2001)
- 7: shazzPRME (Jan 20, 2001)
- 8: An Intrepid Canadian (Jan 23, 2001)
- 9: An Intrepid Canadian (Jan 23, 2001)
- 10: shazzPRME (Jan 23, 2001)
- 11: An Intrepid Canadian (Jan 24, 2001)
- 12: shazzPRME (Jan 24, 2001)
- 13: An Intrepid Canadian (Jan 24, 2001)
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."