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Artificial Stimulants

Post 1

An Intrepid Canadian

I have always prided myself on the fact that I have never partaken in the consumption of any sort of drugs. This weekend, however, (while visiting a one-legged American friend) my virgin lungs experienced a bit o the ol' wacky tobacky. Me-smoke-um-peace-pipe. I couldn't help feeling a little remorse for having tainted my spotless record, but after reviewing weed's pros and cons, I realised that it's much better than more common methods of obtaining a high, namely alcohol & tobacco. Generally speaking, I think that drugs are dumb and that you should be able to have a good time with out using any artificial stimulants. However, I also think that weed shouldn't be looked down upon any more than tobacco or alcohol which both have serious side affects when taken regularly. Canabis is far more healthy than the latter two stimulants mentioned and produces a better high, in my oppinion. More pros and less cons. Anyone who smokes tobacco and drinks alcohol to "get high", but is against weed is totally f****d up and should seek professional help immediately.

Artificial Stimulants

Post 2

Mat of the Game

I agree. smiley - smiley You should be able to have fun with out Artificial Stimulants but there is nothing wrong with a little weed once in a while. It should be legal and probably will be in Canada before the year is out. Its not near as bad for you as alcohol or tobacco. Even most perscription and over the counter drugs are far worse(even Advil and stuff like that). The only reason weed is bad for you is cause of the smoke in your lungs. So eat it and be marry.smiley - smiley
It is not addictive, is not a gateway drug, and there is no proof that it kills brain cells. Except the burn-outs on the corner. If it does kill brain cells it would not be anymore then alcohol does.
Well ttyl

Artificial Stimulants

Post 3


Hi guys smiley - smiley
Living in Holland I have first-hand experience of weed users etc etc. I also have a cousin with ME and she finds that a little weed cetainly helps her to feel much better and experience a much better quality of life. Sadly, she lives in England so has to resort to illegal means to purchase it.
The alternative to actually smoking it is, of course, to make 'space cake', a much healthier option smiley - smiley
shazz smiley - magic

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