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I got fired today

Post 21

McKay The Disorganised

Rough GD - good luck in finding something you enjoy.

smiley - cider

I got fired today

Post 22


To respond to some of the points raised here.

SEF and Ormy - I was bang to rights on the sickness thing. There are detailed policies and processes in place for dealing with sickness amongst the Trust's employees. I went through the whole process, it was applied fairly, and I was found wanting. End of story.

Gosho - I'm a pretty terrible barman. I'm too slow and I can't get the perfect head on a pint of beer. And yes, the commute would be difficult smiley - online2long

Az - yep, I'd checked that entry out. It's got some good points that are worth taking a note of smiley - ok

Well, today I signed on. That's all changed since the days when I was unemployed before. No more queueing up in smelly drab offices, where the staff are protected from the great unwashed by bulletproof glass. This was all done over the phone in about 10 minutes.

I've started trawling through the NHS jobs and HSJ websites. I'm going to check out the similar ones set up for other public sector jobs ie councils and universities.

I've found my CV, and started to have a stab at getting revamped and ready to be sent off to recruitment agencies.

And finally I've taken a look at this place - - which looks quite intriguing if I decide to say, sod it all, lets go off and do something entirely different smiley - smiley

I got fired today

Post 23

Mu Beta

I used to proofread CVs when I was employed in Voluntary Services. If you want me to give yours a look-over during half-term, I'm more than happy. smiley - ok


I got fired today

Post 24

Shea the Sarcastic

Good luck with the job hunt, GD! Maybe you can find something cool ... like testing websites ... like hootoo! smiley - winkeye

I got fired today

Post 25

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

have you given any thought to what to do with your severance packet? option n° 4 in particular?

I got fired today

Post 26


No riotact, I'm sorry that isn't going to happen. I've got a mortgage of around £460 per month which has to be funded out of my new income which will be £55 per week. So you see I rather need all of the money for myself smiley - yikes

I got fired today

Post 27

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

oh. okay.

congrats on your highbury seat btw!

I got fired today

Post 28


Good Luck GD It took me 4 months but I found another job.A better job less money but less hours. smiley - hug keep smiling. It is probably for the bestsmiley - chocsmiley - cheerup

I got fired today

Post 29

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - hug You know if there is anything I can do GD you only have to ask. Hopefully you will find something you find really rewarding smiley - biggrin

I got fired today

Post 30

Mu Beta

Well, given that you work in Human Resources, you could give him a job. smiley - biggrin


I got fired today

Post 31

Lighthousegirl - back on board

If we had a place in Brighton and if I worked in a role where I could do recruitment ... I am in a Management Development role at the moment smiley - erm

I got fired today

Post 32

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

what's more, working in human resources; phareroyaumeunie will need proof you're human, and the picture in azahar's gallery is not conclusive on this point. would you take this little cup into that little room please?

I got fired today

Post 33

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Good luck GD smiley - cheers. This will turn out to be an opportunity, you just wait and see. You could always come back north.

And Ormy is right, time is more valuable than money.

I got fired today

Post 34

Mrs Zen

Well, I have always felt fab every time I've been sacked, and apart from the last time, it was deinitely the right thing. One can be too loyal, or too desperate. And the last time it wasn't a *bad* thing, just not a good thing, if you see what I mean.

(I should add - for the benefit of any potential employers - that I have (a) always taken massive risks with my career, working for start-ups and so and (b) we are talking about three or four occassions over 20+ years working).

So - use it as a chance to take stock, think about what you want and what you don't want out of life, re-assess, re-align, shake up, shake down.

Mango look seriously interesting from that point of view.

Enjoy the sunshine.

Shoot the breeze.

Have fun.

And work out what you feel passionate about.


I got fired today

Post 35

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - sadface

Never having been sacked, I can only offer smiley - hug and condolences.

Have you thought about doing some voluntary work while you're looking for a paid never know what you may hear about - and I find in most situations it's not what you know, it's who you know.

The mortgage situation is a headachesmiley - bruisedwould you consider taking in a lodger to help pay the household bills?

Make sure you tell your council, who might offer you a rebate on your Council Tax.
Apply for Incapacity Benefit and Income Support. (if they turn you down you haven't lost anything)

Good luck with finding a job you love.smiley - cheerup

I got fired today

Post 36

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

hello dear friend

long time no chat ... miss france here from ld ,smiley - smiley
sorry to hear about ur job loss smiley - cry hope u get something else soon ..smiley - rosesmiley - roselydiasmiley - rosesmiley - rose

I got fired today

Post 37


Sorry to hear your news, Greydesk. smiley - ale

Hope whatever you decide to do next (or whatever finds you first!) is more agreeable than the last job.

I looked out for you in Brighton, by the way smiley - winkeye

Well done you Blades!!!!!!

Julessmiley - smiley

I got fired today

Post 38

Demon Drawer

Good luck GD, I'm sure there will be some vacacies in the football line of work in the next few months. How do you fancy Livingston you fit the bill no football management experience, in a different league second to none, international.

We could even put you up initially once Richard Gough takes the taxi that is parked outside Almondvale. smiley - smiley

I got fired today

Post 39

Number Six

The way things are looking, Argyle might be after a new manager some time soon...

smiley - mod

I got fired today

Post 40

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Preferably a childless one smiley - winkeye

smiley - ale

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