This is the Message Centre for GreyDesk

I got fired today

Post 41


Cripes GD!
Hope you manage to sort out what you want to do and where you want to do it before too long.

I got fired today

Post 42


To give you an update on the situation.

It now seems that my pay-off will be 4 weeks pay rather than the 12 that I had been hoping for. This has knocked me back a bit, as it means that I will have to start eating into my savings that bit sooner than I had anticipated. In the grand scheme of things I don't suppose that that matters too much as I do have a fair amount stashed away, and access to a whole load more if I need it.

The other thing that I've discovered is that I'm having to BUY and PAY for my own stationery. After 15 years of working in an office with unlimited quatities of paper, pens, envelopes etc on tap. This experience comes as a bit of shock to the system!

I got fired today

Post 43


Only just caught up on this, GD. Hard luck on the money front, I know, and a pretty uncomfortable personal upheaval I imagine. On the whole though, I expect a man of your talents will soon find something better, and maybe something which will make you happier.

I'd offer you a job myself, I've got several vacancies, but I suspect you're a bit overqualified for the position of Grocery Manager. If you get desperate, though, it's only a few hours down the coast in a fast boat!smiley - winkeye

I got fired today

Post 44


Somewhat ironically, PF, I am actually experienced in supermarket management. I used to run the green grocery department in the Stevenage branch of Sainsburys three evenings a week back when I was in the 6th form smiley - smiley

I got fired today

Post 45

Mu Beta

Is that greengrocery, or just green groceries: Jif Lemon, Cheese and Onion crisps, Lime Cordial, Becks beer, and so on.


I got fired today

Post 46

Number Six

Surely Jif lemon comes under yellow groceries?

smiley - mod

I got fired today

Post 47


...and Walkers Cheese & Onion Crisps come in a blue packet, for some reason known only to them.

I got fired today

Post 48

Lighthousegirl - back on board

shows how long since I ate crisps - I thought blue was salt and vinigar!

how are things going GD - glad to hear the financials are under control smiley - smiley

I got fired today

Post 49


Well I'm out of the loop on the smiley - crisps front. The only type that I ever eat are ready salted, which are in red packets if they're Walkers, and god alone knows what variety of colours if they're made by some other manufacturer smiley - shrug

I got fired today

Post 50

Number Six

Never sure where I stand on the Cheese and Onion crisps debate. I mean, neither cheese nor onions are green or blue. And although I'm something of a traditionalist at heart, the only kind of cheese and onion crisps that I like are Walkers. So for my money, they're blue.

smiley - mod

I got fired today

Post 51

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Cheese can be blue. And indeed green, if it hangs around teh back of the fridge too long.

smiley - ale

I got fired today

Post 52

Number Six

Unless, of course, the cheese is stilton and the onions are spring.

smiley - mod

I got fired today

Post 53

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

See, makes perfect sense.

smiley - ale

I got fired today

Post 54

Mu Beta

Obviously none of you read my entries...smiley - cross



I got fired today

Post 55


Ah, the Blue Bols debate smiley - smiley

I got fired today

Post 56

Mu Beta

Ah yes. I'm not letting you near my PR entries again.


I got fired today

Post 57


But it was Gosho who did most of the complaining about that one.

I got fired today

Post 58

Lighthousegirl - back on board

I did not read the debate but a lot of people complain about blue bols!

I got fired today

Post 59

Mu Beta

Boom boom.


I got fired today

Post 60

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Ah, that would be the sound of your blue bols knocking together as you shiver in the cold weather smiley - tongueout

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