This is the Message Centre for The H2G2 League of Super Powers

The Arena

Post 341


watch it spoog!smiley - laugh

you haven't been on much recently. pray tell why?

and it's only tempting fate if i say something like 'i bet i got an A*' or something.

only 15 more days to go!

The Arena

Post 342


i have been flying around france that is why!

well you said that you have a GCSE in science or something which implies that you have passed!!!smiley - smileysmiley - winkeye

smiley - fairy

The Arena

Post 343


actually what i said was

"and when i said i don't have a GCSE yet i meant i am awaiting my results. hopefully physics will be high because i want to carry it on..."

so fate can remain well and truely un tempted.

The Arena

Post 344


where has all the pink gone??smiley - erm

*gazes around with a lost look in her eye*

oh no i will have to put this right...

*loads paintball gun and starts to fire pink paintballs at the walls*

smiley - fairy

The Arena

Post 345

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

*gets hit with the paintballs*


The Arena

Post 346


ah sorry didnt mean to hit you i wasnt paying attention! do you want to help redecorate???smiley - smiley

smiley - fairy

The Arena

Post 347

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

Sure, but I think I'm going to need a new suit after this, pink really isn't my color. smiley - erm

The Arena

Post 348


pink is EVERYbodies colour!!!

smiley - fairy

*fires paintballs at the ceiling*

The Arena

Post 349

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

*takes cover*

The Arena

Post 350


no you are meant to be helping me

*hands over a gun loaded with pink paintballs*

there you go

The Arena

Post 351

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

*takes the paintball gun*

Seeing as how I'm probably going to end up on cleaning duty later I could probably do with blowing off a little steam.

TARGET PRACTICE! smiley - ok

The Arena

Post 352

pinkwrath (Pink Storm)

Morning smiley - biggrin

*almost gets hit by a paintball*

watch it

The Arena

Post 353


afternoonsmiley - biggrin

The Arena

Post 354

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

Howdy. Trust me, you don't want to get hit with one of those paintballs, they hurt like crazy

The Arena

Post 355


help with the redecoration!

here you go

*hands over paintball gun*

The Arena

Post 356

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

When we're done, where can I go to get my suit fixed? It's covered in pink paint and has holes in it from where the paintballs hit.

(this does actually happen. I have a friend who wants to set up his own paintballing range and he told me that if you get hit by one at a close enough range and without proper clothing it can be like getting hit with a rubber bullet)

The Arena

Post 357


wow that sounds exciting

i can wave my wand over it and fix it once we are done! it will be as good as new

smiley - fairy

The Arena

Post 358

pinkwrath (Pink Storm)


And i would love to helpsmiley - biggrin

*takes paintball gun and helps paintball the arena*

The Arena

Post 359


wow things are finaly starting to make sense again now that the arena is pink again! there is nothing like a good spring clean!smiley - smiley

The Arena

Post 360

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes


smiley - cheers

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