The first hesitant description of a previously undocumented corner of Life, the Universe, and Everything

Well, hello.

I am twenty-three years old. I have short brown hair, browny-greeny eyes, lots and lots of freckles, and fair skin. I live in Southern California, about 20 miles outside of Los Angeles.

Space and Stuff

I take up an average amount of space on earth, I suppose. I am not prone to junk collecting, but I do like colored glass and have gathered quite a lot of it to brighten the walls of my room. Today I had the pleasure of supervising the unpacking of someone else's house and left the scene rather glad that I have been down-sizing over the years instead of buying and storing a lot of stuff. Life is not about stuff, after all.

Work and an Ordered Universe

I work every day, since I did get a bachelor's degree and have officially been locked out of the yard where irresponsible college students wile away their precious free hours. I like it. Working, I mean. I have found recently that I like structure, and that without something constructive to do I will explode. Well, I won't actually explode. But I will resort to idle mischief, which, of course, is not good.

God and Music

I go to church about three times a week because I love the people there. I meet with God every day because I love him and he likes to whisper stuff in my ear. I sing well, if I may say so myself.1 I also play the guitar, not as well as I'd like, but I'm learning. Jesus is my friend and savior. If you want to meet him I can arrange it. We're tight like that.

Things you might want to know if you'd like to be my friend

I grew up in a non-functional household like most people. I am recovering from it. I used to be pretty anti-social but I am learning to let people stand next to me and hold my hand. That's pretty important, even though some people smell and have sweaty palms. You just have to get over it. My best friend right now is a sweetie named Mysti. She's not perfect but she's willing to figure things out with me. I like that. Some people really bug me. Some people make my breath catch in my throat with wonder and love and all manner of tender feelings. The latter are scarcer than the former, and all the more valuable because of it.

Odds 'n Ends

I love to figure things out. I drive a Japanese car2, have very little credit card debt, and I moved back into my parent's house after three years at college. Ostensibly it was about rent, but I was also lonely3. After careful examination, I have come to the conclusion that people need other people around. In that spirit, I'd like to meet others who think like me, and those who don't, just to keep things moving. I like to talk and write, and I have all sorts of opinions on really silly things. Some hard things I haven't figured out what I think about yet. But I'm only twenty-three.

1and I do.2A very nice, almost paid-for Honda Accord, hatchback, vintage 1987. Yeah, I know...Amazing, isn't she?3don't try to live with Chinese immigrants if you don't speak Chinese, they don't speak English, and you have an aversion to raw shrimp on the kitchen counter all day long. It will be as if you live alone, only worse, because you don't.


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MessyJessie--defying description daily

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