Journal Entries

Women and Weddings

I went to a wedding last weekend. It was a fantastic wedding. The couple were obviously really happy with the event, and they put on a good show. Any night that results in one being at the beach late the next afternoon still in a suit has to be good.

However, that's not the topic of this journal entry.

Why is it that so many young single women get incredibly horny when they attend a wedding? From what I can tell many girls seem to view weddings as a "desperate and dateless" ball. I've got no problems with this, but it seems strange for them to turn into crazed man hunters under the eyes of 50 family members of earlier generations. I can just imagine Grandma the next day saying "That was a nice boy you went home with dear. Do you think you'll be seeing him again, or was it just a one night stand?"

I have a couple of theories on this.

1) Girls don't want to be single. Seeing someone else get married reminds them of this, which unconsciously encourages them to look for a partner.

2) They're expected to be promiscuous at weddings. They're normally that horny, but they feel that because it's become socially acceptable for the duration of the event they can be more aggressive with their efforts.

I'm sure there are many other plausible reasons. Whatever the case, it's an interesting phenomenon.

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Latest reply: Oct 15, 2005

Where did my liver go?

Last night I had some very strange dreams. I had fallen asleep watching Monty Python's The Meaning of Life on my laptop, and it was in a loop. I slept for a few hours with it playing. There was a lot of weird stuff going on in my dreams, like people trying to steal my liver and such.

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Latest reply: Oct 4, 2005

Ouch! I have a cramp.

I just spent the weekend in Singapore playing ultimate.

It's not normally such a good idea to drink lots of alcohol on a long flight, but sadly the flight attendant's hearing was against me on Friday night.

"What would you like to drink, sir?"
"Scotch and dry ginger ale would be good thanks."
"Scotch and coke?"
"No dry ginger ale."
"You want lots and lots? OK. I'll give you two doubles."
(Thinks: What strange manner of hearing is this?)

A bit of dehydration was a good start to the weekend.

The tournament was great - intense games, tasty asian quisine for lunch and free microbrewery beer on tap at the fields on Sunday. The team I played with (Perth Sublime) came fifth out of twenty-four teams. Hooray!

The party wasn't that crash hot because I was on the verge of heat sickness and feeling like shit, so went home early. The bar we were in was a little weird though. It had quite a few rooms, but no dancing except for one guy dancing on a podium, with people standing around watching him and looking bored.

I flew back on British Airways, where I was introduced to the British comedy The League of Gentlemen. Brilliant.

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Latest reply: Sep 19, 2005

Great Australian inventions

Australia was at some stage blessed with genious. It's hard to believe that any geniouses could ever come out of this country, but it's only a gifted mind which could have come up with our two greatest inventions - vegemite and tim tams. Vegemite is a strange mix of black salty yeasty stuff which, before you have acquired a taste for it, is difficult to imagine being edible. But it works. It's just the right amount of blackness and saltyness and yeastyness to make it a perfect companion for toast.

On the other hand, we have tim tams. Not at all an acquired taste, rather a chocolate biscuit one savours from that very first bite. Designing them so you could suck up hot drinks through one like a straw before it melts in your mouth was a stroke of brilliance.

For those who haven't tried this, here's how it's done.

1. Make a hot drink. Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea all work.

2. Get a tim tam and bite off opposing corners.

3. Suck hot drink through the tim tam. As soon as the liquid reaches your mouth consume the tim tam.

The effect is kind of like an explosion of chocolate in the mouth. Yummy!

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Latest reply: Sep 11, 2005

Rain should be illegal when cricket is played

I stayed up late last night to watch Hayden get his century, but ended up seeing a lot of highlights reels before falling asleep on the couch. How disappointing.

The test between Australia and England is so important, with England only needing a draw to finally take the coveted Ashes off Australia. Australia are finally looking dominant (as would be the norm any other test series), and rain stops play two days in a row. This has been the most exciting test series I can recall, and it looks as though England may get the little urn of burned wood in a very anti-climactic way.

If that happens I will very probably cry. On the other hand, if England don't win the Ashes the whole country will probably cry, and I'll feel sorry for them and petition the ACB to lend it to them for a little while.

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Latest reply: Sep 11, 2005

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