This is a Journal entry by Flying Penguin
Women and Weddings
Flying Penguin Started conversation Oct 15, 2005
I went to a wedding last weekend. It was a fantastic wedding. The couple were obviously really happy with the event, and they put on a good show. Any night that results in one being at the beach late the next afternoon still in a suit has to be good.
However, that's not the topic of this journal entry.
Why is it that so many young single women get incredibly horny when they attend a wedding? From what I can tell many girls seem to view weddings as a "desperate and dateless" ball. I've got no problems with this, but it seems strange for them to turn into crazed man hunters under the eyes of 50 family members of earlier generations. I can just imagine Grandma the next day saying "That was a nice boy you went home with dear. Do you think you'll be seeing him again, or was it just a one night stand?"
I have a couple of theories on this.
1) Girls don't want to be single. Seeing someone else get married reminds them of this, which unconsciously encourages them to look for a partner.
2) They're expected to be promiscuous at weddings. They're normally that horny, but they feel that because it's become socially acceptable for the duration of the event they can be more aggressive with their efforts.
I'm sure there are many other plausible reasons. Whatever the case, it's an interesting phenomenon.
Women and Weddings
tartaronne Posted Oct 15, 2005
Interesting phenomenon
I cannot offer any theories. To me it seems that people younger than me (my daugther's generation mid-20ies-mid-30es) put a lot more importance to weddings than mine did. I.e. arrangements, guests, traditions, amount of money spend, emotions en masse.
It has to be just right (according to who, I don't know).
And that, I guess, could encourage the hornyness via 'I want the same'.
Also it could be a cultural thing. To me it seems that countries with English as a native language - US, Great Britain, Australia - take weddings more seriously.
On a similar but different note: The two of us are almost family now. Our crownprincess - the Australian Mary - gave birth to a son early this morning (Danish time).
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Women and Weddings
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