This is a Journal entry by Flying Penguin
Where did my liver go?
Flying Penguin Started conversation Oct 4, 2005
Last night I had some very strange dreams. I had fallen asleep watching Monty Python's The Meaning of Life on my laptop, and it was in a loop. I slept for a few hours with it playing. There was a lot of weird stuff going on in my dreams, like people trying to steal my liver and such.
Where did my liver go?
tartaronne Posted Oct 4, 2005
But your couldn't expect nice, harmonious, happy-endingy type of dreams after that.
Or maybe you could. A perfectly normal and nice film gives dreams - then a lunatic
film should give pleasant dreams.
Or maybe logic doesn't apply to Monty Python .
Have you seen this on your tour of the hootoo society A1046701?
Where did my liver go?
Flying Penguin Posted Oct 4, 2005
I've now sent in an application. Hopefully I pass the rigorous entry requirements and will be accepted into the Pythonist Society soon.
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Where did my liver go?
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