Journal Entries

On travelling and freedom

The two months that I've just spent on a holiday travelling through Europe and North America has given me a new lease on life. It's the first time since I started working that I've spent that long away, and it's the first time I've ever been that relaxed and felt that free.

The trip was sometimes hectic, sometimes relaxing, sometimes in a beautiful area of the world, sometimes in a sparse hole, sometimes with friends, sometimes alone, but almost always enjoyable. One of the reasons for this is that as time went on, I became less restricted and more able to do whatever I wanted.

Now I'm home, I'm trying to keep that lack of restriction and motivation to do whatever I feel like. It's a nice feeling.

Moral of the story:

Home is a place where you get in the habit of not doing what you normally would.
Vacation is where you learn what it is you would normally do.

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