This is a Journal entry by Flying Penguin
Rain should be illegal when cricket is played
Flying Penguin Started conversation Sep 11, 2005
I stayed up late last night to watch Hayden get his century, but ended up seeing a lot of highlights reels before falling asleep on the couch. How disappointing.
The test between Australia and England is so important, with England only needing a draw to finally take the coveted Ashes off Australia. Australia are finally looking dominant (as would be the norm any other test series), and rain stops play two days in a row. This has been the most exciting test series I can recall, and it looks as though England may get the little urn of burned wood in a very anti-climactic way.
If that happens I will very probably cry. On the other hand, if England don't win the Ashes the whole country will probably cry, and I'll feel sorry for them and petition the ACB to lend it to them for a little while.
Rain should be illegal when cricket is played
tartaronne Posted Sep 11, 2005
Oh cricket. I know only what I've read in a book about Peter Wimsey, Dorothy Sayers's titled detective. "Murder must advertise".
Actually it is not quite true. I have read a guide entry on cricket as well, but am none the wiser. Cricket is not a big thing in Denmark.
I've noticed Skankyrich is a dedicated fan. U931109.
Rain should be illegal when cricket is played
Flying Penguin Posted Sep 11, 2005
Test cricket is one of those things which may take a lot of effort to understand. It's a strange game which can go for five days in a row then have no result, and still be exciting.
It would take more than a crash course to be able to understand what's going on, and how what's happening could possibly be exciting.
Rain should be illegal when cricket is played
tartaronne Posted Sep 11, 2005
I expect it would at least take watching a match live with an entuisiast - or even better. To play it oneself.
In my family soccer is the great interest - and then handball, cycling, motorcross, tabletennis
Rain should be illegal when cricket is played
Flying Penguin Posted Sep 11, 2005
We don't get handball at all here, and it would be a struggle to follow table tennis. Although a lot of people follow the soccer (which only recently officially changed it's name to "football" in Australia). Different sports have a lot of coverage in different places, I guess. But all sports are entertaining once you understand them.
I watch the cricket when it's on, but my main sport of interest ultimate frisbee because I play it. Sadly there isn't a lot of coverage of frisbee games.
Damn! Rain stopped play again. Time to go to bed.
Rain should be illegal when cricket is played
tartaronne Posted Sep 11, 2005
>>But all sports are entertaining once you understand them<<
Exactely. As with almost anything. What you are exposed to and grabs you at the right moment. We call soccer football as well.
Sleep well. Here it is around 16 in the afternoon, sunny - with a touch of autumn in the air. I'll go out in the garden and read a book and let the cleaning wait
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Rain should be illegal when cricket is played
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