This is a Journal entry by Flying Penguin

Ouch! I have a cramp.

Post 1

Flying Penguin

I just spent the weekend in Singapore playing ultimate.

It's not normally such a good idea to drink lots of alcohol on a long flight, but sadly the flight attendant's hearing was against me on Friday night.

"What would you like to drink, sir?"
"Scotch and dry ginger ale would be good thanks."
"Scotch and coke?"
"No dry ginger ale."
"You want lots and lots? OK. I'll give you two doubles."
(Thinks: What strange manner of hearing is this?)

A bit of dehydration was a good start to the weekend.

The tournament was great - intense games, tasty asian quisine for lunch and free microbrewery beer on tap at the fields on Sunday. The team I played with (Perth Sublime) came fifth out of twenty-four teams. Hooray!

The party wasn't that crash hot because I was on the verge of heat sickness and feeling like shit, so went home early. The bar we were in was a little weird though. It had quite a few rooms, but no dancing except for one guy dancing on a podium, with people standing around watching him and looking bored.

I flew back on British Airways, where I was introduced to the British comedy The League of Gentlemen. Brilliant.

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Ouch! I have a cramp.

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